
He lived in my friends apartment building 30+ years ago, and he was creepy as fuck back then. I tarried many a time in the lobby to avoid getting on the elevator with him.

He didn’t button his jacket. He doesn’t button his jacket. There’s no evidence he knows how to button his jacket or that he’s supposed to do so. He simply adjusted it back to its normal saggy, formless drape.

Not sure how excited he’ll be watching Kristin Gillibrand being sworn in

I’m tall and small-hipped like Amal (wish my hair was like hers though), and I carried twins to 38 weeks. They fucking destroyed my stomach. It now hangs in a large wrinkled mass and when I bend down it separates into two pendulous sacks that resemble a very old man’s balls. I’m sure she’ll get a tummy tuck 6 months

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

I can attest that Versed (midzolam) doesn’t feel the same as propofol and I am actually appalled that they use FUCKING Versed.

The drugs are different. Pets get better drugs then prisoners.

Iknow you’re coming from a good place, but having a mentally ill parent causes a lot of pain that’s not as easy to get over as it might seem. Even when you rationally know how much pain they were in and how hard they tried, it can be tough to work through and sometimes the only way to do it effectively is to put space

Here ya go:

My place always had hgtv on. Like I wanna build a fuckin deck right now.

Whitewalker King

Mine is kind of weird. I got fired this week- which isn’t something to brag about- but I didn’t cry about it!

my first time posting on SNS but I’m grey so not sure anyone will read :( but I just felt like sharing because while I have not posted on SNS before, I do peruse the comments regularly and have noticed that everyone one here is just really so nice and when people come on and have real problems people really give

I bought a chair! I moved into an apartment this month before the start of my grad program, and realized I didn’t have a desk for my chair. Yesterday, I went to Target, and I bought a chair, so now I have my study space set up in my apartment. Still not ready for the semester to start, but I’m less unprepared now!

I brought my son to college on Sunday. He is lucky in that many of his friends from high school also are attending the same university. The roommate hadn’t left the dorm in three days. The roommate grew up in a very small town and was so out of his element, shy and scared. My son organized a “game night” last night

I paid off all of my unsubsidized school loans this week! Just cut my load in half and I haven't graduate college yet. Feeling really good about that!

Yeah it’s kinda faintly bleachy

“Manage the estate.”

OMG Totally didn’t remember that! Maybe I should go re-watch Heathers. :)

You’re not the only one. I loved the show, but Ryder was chewing the scenery constantly. Even in such an awful situation you wouldn’t and couldn’t be at 110% freakout every single moment!