
Came to cast my vote for the Saba landing strip, the 1990's vag wax of landing strips

A million years ago I read a piece about GOOP and her brand new boyfriend, Chris Martin (maybe it was in JANE?). She was newly in London, packing him vegan-macrobiotic brown bag lunches for him and his all day recording sessions and hoping not to be the next “Yoko Ono”.

They actually force abortions and sweep rape under the rug... so, yeah. They're that bad.

Saw this yesterday with my two daughters (college Junior and a soon to be 9th grader). I cried. They cried. We all cried. It’s so worth it!

Putting on my reading glasses to reply to this. I remember that, too! Exactly what i thought when I first saw the promo for this nonsense

I am here for this comment with all of my heart (and unshowered body)

I made good friends with an ex who was in the sea org for over 20 years (from my husband’s show) and helped her for about a year with a book other experiences. The stories she has about Leah (and other celebrity scientologists) make me sick. Until Leah can come clean and apologize for using the backs of people like my

We had really good legal advisement on the process

My husband was the Showrunner for a yet to be aired show on Scientology and all of the ex’s he worked with heavily advised he buy up all the open internet domains that he could think of that might allude to him being a pedophile, sexual predator, etc. We did. As much contempt as I have for Leah, I believe she and

Yeah, it gets cold. But it doesn’t get tornado’d, earth quaked (much), mud slided or burnt to a crisp.

My mil made a weighted blanket for my guy a while back and it was filled with beans. They sounded and felt amazing, but when we washed it... the beans got weird and I freaked that they would sprout or get moldy so I stopped washing it... I guess if your clients aren’t a total head case, beans will be nice :)

Obviously a wise move on your part

My husband directed his show for a few years when it was taped at Bloomberg. Charlie’s a scumbag.

The gym actually sent out an email with this video in it several days ago reminding all parents and guardians what types of drills are appropriate and how what this coach did is criminal.

One of my daughters is a 13 year old competitive cheer leader. This video liquified my intestines.

I was at a race yesterday and missed this... I need an editor for a friend who wrote a book on her 20+ years in scientology (no caps on purpose, I fucking hate them). Any ideas? Book is done.

Patty Jenkins *swoon* her boobs are making my whole damn day and it’s only 11:30!

You bet your jujy ass you would

I’m out in Santa Fe helping a friend through chemo and I was running to Days Are Gone this morning wondering when there’d be some new music from the sisters and now I can’t stop crying.

God fucking damit. Why the “retard” joke? Oh, and I CANT WAIT for all the people who are going to tell me it’s fiiiiiine.