
I really liked her in it, so I guess we disagree, but I’m not responding b/c we disagree. I’m responding b/c I’m fascinated by your inclusion of the detail about the funeral. I mean, I’m sorry for your loss of course, but I’m also picturing a whole back story into your life that just started off as a comment about an

I found nearly every scene with her incredibly grating, but I’ve never felt she had much range beyond sullen ingenue.

You left off Kim Rhode. She’s a shooter who won Bronze, and by doing so, became the first woman to medal in 6 consecutive games. There’s a narrative in some Conservative corners of the internet that the so-called liberal media is ignoring her because of an anti-gun agenda. Let’s not give them more fuel for the fire,

Oh, well. Breathing. You know. TOTALLY optional. /s

There really needs to be a statue just for first responders.

I am so sorry. Just terrible. Those first responders knew they were going to die and they did it anyway, running up those stairs, sacrificing everything, being mislead by the government as to what was in the air during clean up. I’ll send you a link detailing my connection with that day if you don’t mind. It seems we

Not to mention that Guiliani’s blatant failure to have the police and firefighters on the same radio channel could have saved hundreds of lives, his absolute disdain for empathizing with, acknowledging, or trying to help all the first responders who came down with cancer and other horrible illnesses financially, and

OK - a couple of things. Pitbull is kinda doing it for me in that picture.

Yet, somehow, I’m the one in the grays.

That’s why I like to grab my tit, shake it, and say “Say hello to the man”.

I mean if you life is going well and it won’t change for the worse if X person is elected, that seems like a pretty good reason to vote for them.

Starred for “sun-dried-air-brushed-owl-pellet” and “Stumps.” LOL!

I feel very disconnected sometimes because I don’t know anyone first hand whose life has gotten worse during Obama’s presidency (barring personal problems.) I cannot and will not lay the scourge of violence, by police, against police or by acts of terrorism at his feet. Many of our threats are “homegrown” and the

I didn’t even see an excuse (a la “I consumed an edible and had a bad reaction” or “someone must have put LSD in my drink”).

Who is this “Jia”?

How dare you, sir or ma’am. I am awed by the resplendence of Cheesecake Factory every time I walk through its hallowed doors. Is it also emblematic of everything wrong with American eating habits? Perhaps. But to suggest I am a Megan Trainor fan AND disparage my slice of banana cream cheesecake is uncalled for. I also

Why am I so mad about this? I AM SO MAD.

sooooooooooooo happy for ‘the americans’

I’m pissed that The Leftovers was snubbed entirely. Carrie Coon is a fucking revelation.

I feel that Snoop is attempting to take Prince’s place as the preeminent middle-aged black male celebrity who used to wear his hair down but now proudly rocks the Afro.