
But Kinnaman was sooo good in The Killing.

The mouldings. It's all about the mouldings.

I agree with your prime-time soap comparison. When can we expect a Dallas-style swimming pool fight?

Never heard of Nicholas Sparks. Just here for the -C.

Good news. Looking forward to it.

Exactly. There's no way Steven had the expertise to remove all traces of blood from the garage floor. And to suggest that ALL the blood seeped into a crack in the floor with NO traces remaining ON the floor? Are you kidding me? And don't even get me started on Theresa's car keys containing only Steven's DNA. And…

True. Yet another red flag that was never seriously pursued.

Yes, the creepy x and possibly her roommate, who if I recall correctly did not report her missing for 3 days.

Yup. Lost track of what generation I'm from but I'm quite sure we majorly sucked at some point.

Um, so, there's a sponsored link below entitled "The 10 Hottest Women From Around the World". Apparently gender inequality doesn't apply if you're hot. Or something.

Boo! I loved Chilton! Well at least I can still catch Raul Esparza on SUV.

Next week, on a very special O'Reilly Factor….

My husband doesn't watch, but he can always hear when it's on: "Gongs and chimes, must be Hannibal time!"

Scott Thompson has transitioned nicely from his Kids in the Hall days.

Must seek out the sequels. The original was partially filmed right here in Winnipeg, Canada.

Ha! 2001 Canadian horror flick with Katherine IsabelIe. I remember it well.

Never seen it, but it sounds craptastically convoluted and generally frightens and confuses me.
Keep those reviews comin'!

One of the funniest network comedies I've seen in a while. And Bryan Callen is a blast. A real treat to see his character get more screen time.

Love Robert Delong.

Alexa, great reviews of another fine season of POI. I shocked myself by becoming slightly teary eyed during the Machine's dying moments! And RIP Elias? Say it ain't so!