
Justified. Watched the first 2 seasons on Netflix then they pulled it. That was just cruel.
But we will meet again, Raylan Givens, we will meet again.

I'm 52, once a music geek, always a music geek.

Few things are as satisfying as watching Vince D'Onofrio crush some poor sod's head with a car door. Over and over and over again. Must watch, over and over and over again. This is a fine show indeed!

Hell yes! LOVE Year Zero.


Hey I'm with you on the domestic abuse plot line Love the show, but that plot line was contrived. Blond girl could've easily left Pete - it's not like she was relying on him as a breadwinner and there was nowhere else for her to live. And Rick's solution, well, wasn't really a solution rather than another kill

I agree with your first paragraph. It would've been far more interesting even if Pete was just a lazy-ass loser who drank beer all day but was basically harmless.

Me too. Some pretty cool insights from passionate viewers.

Brian Griffin

Mr. Dark and Stormy - too funny! The best thing about this show is it's sense of humour.

Outstanding episode. Opening scenes with Hurt made for some powerful TV. Were they playing Digitalism later in the episode?