Or the Cliven Bundy crowd that takes on multiple foster children to work them like indentured servants on their non-profitable ranches to collect the benefit checks to support their non-sustainable lifestyles. The only thing that they are profitably ranching are the poor children that are sent to live with them.…
I guarantee that Salomondrin is mad solely because DeadMauFive got one. That’s the beginning and end of his indignation, I’ll put everything on it. I hope it gets NyanCat-wrapped and goes Uber-ing throughout Canada, just to keep this clown extra salty.
Bunch of entitled Millennial crybabies.
It continues to amuse/irritate me to no end that these people - white, conservative, religious - are the real face of welfare fraud. Not saying that other people don’t cheat the system but the FLDS have turned welfare fraud into an art form. Yet somehow when some people use the term ‘welfare queen’ you just know the…
I for one am shocked that a cult like religious sect that uses women and young girls as trading goods to curry favor would be found to be committing illegal acts. (/s if it wasn’t super clear)
Maybe our collective affinity for terrible dad jokes is why none of us are getting any.
They are eliminating emissions by never actually producing the truck.
Is it possible that this incident showed Bernie the importance of radio communication?
It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.
I feel bad too - bad that the car didn’t finish the job.
A good way to put yourself in the shoes of the average Sovereign Citizen is to imagine that you live in a world where the government is actually made out of wizards, and if you know the right magic spells you can make it go away.
Right now, Dems = right wing, Repubs = lunatic fringe. If you want left, you gotta go elsewhere.
Or it’s a perfect example of the best meals that a gluten-free diet has to offer.
I’m straight but love penises on women.
Your counterpoint to my narrative has raised the metaphor to new heights of parody, thereby lifting the reader’s perceptions of reality to more nuanced planes of existense previously known only to your listeners.
I work at a job. You know what our dress code is: “don’t dress like you would offend your grandmother”. It leaves lots of room for personal creativity, but tends to put a dampener on things that makes the workplace uncomfortable, like offensive slogans or rolling around in torn up crop tops.