Michael Williamson

You are obviously both dogs. Now, where did you learn to type? Where did you learn to type, there buddy? Yeah, who’s a big typing doggo? You are, yes you are! Also, fuck beagles.

A part of me—maybe it’s my advanced old age—is quietly satisfied that two such wholly unexpected people could still have found delight in Adams and his divine surrealism.

... its a non-story because the National Security Agency is monitoring and recording all tweets and emails anyway...

This, sadly, does not surprise me. Take cows. Now most people imagine that a cow is only dangerous when its panicked or really, really annoyed. Its not. They will plot. They will take action. Cows will kill anything. Eat anything. Do not fuck with cows.

Also funny how the problem was the 1%, until someone pointed out that worldwide the middle class here was the 1%. Then the problem became the 1% of the 1%, the people who were richer than us. We being equally wealthier than other people suffering are not the problem in the world. We didn't need to suffer ourselves.

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.

Lets do this

Even though it's a van, I'm wondering if it doesn't need a slot on yesterday's post about murder houses.

meh! lasers are for lilly livered europeons. just mount some gun turrets on the train and shoot them damned, dirty leaves to kingdom come. this is Amurica dagnabbit!

on a completely unrelated fantasy sidetrack. . . .I want to put this in the back of a Chrysler Town and Country with the power opening rear tail gate. Evil super villain soccer mom style.

Probably Drones are cheaper, require less ground facility, can linger longer, also serve as surveillance platform after munitions are used, cost less to lose, survive by being invisible cause most are small(ish), besides the chair force has a rep to uphold, j/k, the boys in blue do a fine job in the air.

Unlike NASCAR, I'd pay to see this vehicle make nothing but left turns all night doing its thing!

"So i'm pulling my weinermobile into my girlfriends C-5, and i yell 'Man you got a big cargo bay!...man you got a big cargo bay'..., and she says 'Why did u say that twice?', and I say 'I didnt'"

They could have spelled procedure with their dick and six Zs and they would still be smarter than three of you.

One thing that's always bothered me about Apollo XIII is why they didn't just ask the German's whether they could land at Lunar Base Funf and have Robo Hitler-brain-in-a-jar make repairs.

Two things:

1. Standoff ranges. the AC-130 has long been vulnerable to MANPADS and that's just going to get worse. The current generation of MANPADs has a range greater than that of the AC-130's guns.

2. Gun Accuracy. The further away you are from the target, the less accurate your gun will be. See #1.

There will always

Being a German soldier in Afghanistan whose unit received USAF CAS (thanks btw) from A-10s and F-16s I can safely say that A-10 strafing runs are pretty much useless against insurgents. They might be great at busting tanks, but that's about.

I believe this is it

Because the A10 expensive and useless in contested airspace. In permissive airspace, drones and AC130s do a better job for less money.