Michael Williamson

Not enough of a nerd to realize the odds of dying of COVID are .0055% under age 65, though.

So, an ignorant fool of a nerd.

Oh, wow. An insult from the guy who’s afraid to leave the house without a maxipad on his face.

Oh, wow. An insult from the guy who’s afraid to leave the house without a maxipad on his face.

I have 25 years of Expert ratings from the military, several trophies for combat match, and have served as a marksmanship instructor.

Do it, faggot.

The next thing he needs to design is a gun that shoots a school desk on top of people, because the federal government assured us that in case of nuclear attack, hiding under a school desk would protect you from blast effects.

Imagine how insane it is to freak out because someone is not wearing a face panty, in a “pandemic” that has a .043% lethality, but only .0055% under age 65.

No, the 2A is about community and national defense. You’re thinking of the 9th and 10 Amendments and common law regarding self defense. Except, you are in no way being threatened by someone choosing to breathe air. Especially when your only claim is (assuming you’re under 65) a .0055% risk of death from a virus for

Your fantasy is committing felony battery?

Sounds like a typical liberal.

Your alternative is also felony battery and will result in you being shot.

It’s fascinating to watch an entire thread full of Nazis.

Imagine how insane it would be if you shot a mask onto my wife’s face, and triggered her PTSD over being raped with a cloth over her face at age 7.

Now imagine us treating that as both assault with a deadly weapon, and terrorism, and putting a real bullet through your brain.

I would like everyone to take a look at the package your mask came in for the NIOSH rating, which is the official government rating of how effective it is and what particles it stops.

Go ahead.

Oh, it doesn’t have a NIOSH rating? That means it doesn’t filter anything.

The mental contortions necessary to believe “It

Actually, that’s my proposal for anyone wearing a face panty--tape down the sides so it actually seals the way it’s supposed to. And then seal it down below 100 nanometers so it actually stops a virion.

Pinochet didn’t kill a single human being. He only killed communists.
Interestingly, Stalin and Mao killed a million times that number, but so-called liberals still want to suck their cocks.

Also, Trump is not a Fascist. That would make him a Democrat. “Fascism should properly be called corporatism, as it is the merger

Top. Men.

I don’t understand why the plate was withdrawn. Can you explain why someone else gets to hijack a context?

Before you speak, be aware you’re a fascist exploiter and have no excuse.

I shouldn’t have to preface every comment with “I don’t like Ted Beale,” but the nature of “liberal” society makes virtue signaling a fact.

I’m well known as an ardent anti-Voxxer, but if Scalzi’s fans are illiterate enough not to know the difference, it wouldn’t say positive things for they or he.

How does it feel to be so emotionally weak that someone quoting a book causes you agony? How intolerant are you that someone who you disagree with liking the same literature causes an outburst?

No, I think you mean 0bama was Zaphod without the intellect.

Bill Clinton was Zaphod personified.

6X9 in base 13 is 42.