Michael Williamson

Clever, sure, but “hero”? Come on.

The downside being it’s LA.

Most teams want a new stadium every 20 years or they’ll threaten to move. I say, let them.

Does anyone have a list of the minority authors who won Hugos in the last 5 years?

Behold the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station! —Star Wars Episode X, Angry Birds

Don’t you mean C17?

Indeed. The lefties have sucked all the fun out of it. Write a damned story, don’t lecture people on politics.

How did he stuff the ballot box? He agitated people to spend money to vote. Anyone can, and lots of people have done that.

Intellectual dishonesty just proves your own position is a lie.

The bylaws do not permit of cancelling.

But your suggestion exactly proves the point. You’re tolerant of anything you agree with.

Vox is a narcissistic troll, and you kept feeding him. Ignore him, and he’ll go away.

Which “right wingers” in America have flown planes into buildings? And which blacks were lynched? You’ll find they were lynched by the Democrat run KKK. You then re-elected Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd for life. (And don’t look like a retard by invoking David Duke. He ran as a Dem, lost, then became a Republican

Except that it’s three lies in three words. Toodles.

If that’s a fancy way of saying “She’s a whore who’s literally asking for it” while ignoring the damage she does to real victims, I agree.

Currency in many nations WAS base 12, and we went away from it, at about the same time computers came about.

You’d not only need to change numbers, you’d need to come up with a completely new system of measurements, as instinctive and intuitive as metric, only in base 12.

Then you’d have to get Americans to accept it.


That inaccuracy is in a comment, not the article.

And what airfields would the Army fly this 40 year old airframe from? Maintained by which airfield engineers? Which airframe specialists? Which jet mechanics? Where would it get Mk 82s and JDAM packages?

You'd have to create an entire fixed wing air element for the Army, duplicating that which already exists in the

Yes, but losing airframes and crew would negate any savings in ammo, and as noted, these craft don't have to be one-way modified. They can be adapted to the mission, or for other missions as needed. They're still keeping the old school gunships. For now.

You're not going to charge your car by jacking. Hell, it's bad enough with people texting while driving.

Actually, I think a researcher conducted an experiment with mice to see what greedy, humorless leftists would read into it for 40 years.

The so-called 99% were exposed for the shallow racists they were and had to come up with a newspeak workaround.

I haven't killed anyone. But I read crap like this article and I wonder why not.