Michael Williamson

"Penta" in Greek is "Penza" in Pashto, partly because it's a loan word from Macedonian during Alexander's reign.

They used a real South American language for that scene.

Had I the cash, I'd buy it, just to offend the people who are offended by it.

Why shouldn't he tell anyone offended to fuck off?

This will make every Michael Bay movie watchable. Well, less unwatchable.

It's mentioned in a link in article, and it seems everyone from Boston missed it.

And if a few weeks, why not a couple of months? A quarter? A year? Five years? A decade?


Dayman: I'm amazed at how many SF readers don't get Friday.

We actually burn a memorial ship every year at Pennsic. 4' long, clinker built, with mementos and power to take it to the middle of the lake.

I know Native Americans who've done sky burials. It may need to be on reservation land.

I saw a slimy, unpleasant lifeform, then I saw the algae.

Pantries are only stupid until you get snowed in or otherwise stuck, or lose your job. Then 6 months of food is the most awesome thing in the world. But pantries are for food, not clever little bundt muffin tins.