
I guess there was... Something in the way he made her feel.

A west Indian joint without anger is unconscionable.

Should there be no men- or women-only institutions?

I didn’t say more is better. I’m a thin-ish white young-ish female and I have only had positive experiences with cops here. But the cops were not being called on me.

Absolutely. I personally would be fine making all firearms illegal. I think requiring strict licensing and regular training would make a lot of sense. Arguing about whether they’re “good” or “bad” is useless.

Chicago does have strict gun laws, but Indiana, which is right next door, does not. From downtown Chicago, you can be in Indiana in 30 minutes, easily. The impact of a law is severely limited by it only being in effect in one state and not all states.Just because a law would not eliminated the targeted crime doesn’t

so... maybe we should have more detailed licensing and evaluations for potential gun buyers... and also fund police training and psychological programs? maybe both things are a good idea that hopefully aren’t a pipe dream?

How does a politician declaring someone an enemy make it not murder? Political office holders declare people to be military enemies for whatever purposes suit them. Just read Marine General Smedley Butler on the topic of war and it’s real purpose.


She’s ready to move on to Trump? So then why isn’t she accepting Trump’s call to debate her?

Vicky, 6 debates compared to 26 in 2008.

“Honestly, I just believe this is the most important job in the world. It’s the toughest job in the world. You should be willing to campaign for every vote. You should be willing to debate anytime, anywhere,” -Hillary Clinton

Okay, so we’re acknowledging that she’s not the Democratic nominee yet, right? So how about the two candidates for the Democratic nomination have a debate? Well, she doesn’t want to debate Sanders because she says the nomination has been decided.

...this is all happening because Hillary said she would debate Bernie before the CA primary and then changed her mind. Oh, I’m sorry, I should have said that her position on the debate evolved.

so because she refused a debate, the mean ol mens shouldn’t have one? lol, the old lady had her a chance and she took her ball and went home, so fuck her.

Loaded questions are fun!

Let’s not forget her history as a defense attorney discrediting rape victims including children...just saying.

I don’t think anyone is giving Bill a free pass on scrutiny—the whole point is that there’s probably no one else alive whose alleged sexual misconduct has been more thoroughly investigated than Bill Clinton? If only all accusers were taken so seriously, we wouldn’t even have to have this conversation.

Is that like what Hillary is accused of?

I’d tell those folk to fuck off and get out there and really fight for LGBT rights instead of this bullshit where we think entertainment properties are the battleground for that. Finn is black, yet they’re still killing unarmed black men in this country. Rey is a woman, yet women still get paid less and law makers are