
She did not kill herself. She was murdered. 

Does Lisa Leslie hate black women too? Wasn’t the victim a white woman? So confused.

What so many often miss, but I think you got — is that, in both Trump’s win and the recent Kavanaugh debacle, the support of white women is crucial. Susan Collins comes (in)correct, and all the white women who were silent as he rolled forward. If Roe v. Wade is what the gold is, there was a woman waiting in the wings

This^^^. I disagreed with London Breed’s position on every one of those votes. I’m a black citizen of San Francisco. A great mayor has to be more than black and a first. To get my support, she has to support policies that make my life better. Ms. Alexander wrote that, “the other supervisors who voted to oust Breed

Yes. Yes. We will ignore that for now.

This article. Thanks for the break down of your origin story.

I too live in SF. You have described it to a tee. The fact that Feinstein has any support despite helping her husband, Blum, cash in from her connections, for decades, is astounding. Susie Tompkins and a few other super-rich Dem funders have saddled us with the Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer triad of doom, for decades. Now,

Tobacco is definitely bad for me. But I can buy it, in any form I like, even with electronic delivery systems. However, when it comes to GMO foods, folks get all fussy. Don’t label them, don’t mention which products contain them, and so on. I get the comparison with anti-vaccine folks, in one sense, because not

Obviously, one is happy two humans love each other enough to take this journey together. Outside of that obvious bit, the whole “What would have happened had this been a black male icon and a white female wealthy person” is what reared its head on other info streams. To which I say, what if? People say stuff. The

Thanks for the warnings. Avoided...

Soooo, you think he should pay more taxes even if he can legally avoid doing so. How much more should he pay? Who figures out what the moral amount of taxes is, since legal doesn’t work? And who doesn’t go right to the line of legality when paying taxes, while trying not to go over that line? I love political

I think you meant exonerated, not excoriated.

I wish it were that easy. I wish it was just a mistake, nothing to see here, she already apologized and then we could move on. She is not crushing Trump, who has done everything short of literally shooting himself in the foot to make it a bit easier — and yet, she cannot convincingly close the deal (according to the

I wish black kids’s problems were as important as the worries of white women... But, Flint will continue to drink poison. Because what Trump did is more important.

There was nothing he could do. Ebony came closest, but we live in the age of the SJW. Nothing against SJWs, they do good work, but part of that work requires some skin in the game. That skin is withholding “approval.” Nothing he could “say” would bring back the victim. And, though he was found not guilty, that is not

Sure. But we still have to get fucked by HRC anyway. Here we are, the GOP is imploding, literally doing crazy shit right in front of us, yet Soul Sister Who Cannot Ever Be Critiqued Lest Ye Be Called A Misogynist — will tell us about why this (free health care), or that (I dunno, no fracking?) cannot be done because

This^^^^ HRC is also just the shittiest politician. People were not moved by her during the primary and are not going to be so by the nomination. I fear that she will lose.

It’s funny till it’s not. I do think folks like Laura Ingraham would not mind setting camps up to kill all the people they don’t like, either because they aren’t white, are Jewish, are Muslim, etc. Though, the menu with those folks is always shrouded in some mythology. The Nazis derived from the Thule Society,

Reading Natalie Portman and Froer (his name is just too long to type out), is better than an Ambien for what ails you.

It helps to get a little more granular with exactly who is doing the shooting and who is getting shot. Also, it helps to look at how effective new laws are at curtailing the behavior in question. Safety, at the end of the day, is a feeling, it’s not a metric that states X people per capita killed before the law’s