Michael Weyer

Yeah, I'll settle for glancing out the window.

Nah, that was when Cubs won the World Series.

I keep imagining the ghost of Andrew Breitbart howling in the afterlife as he sees what Bannon turned his website into.

I wasn't a huge fan of Andrew Breitbart but the man would be rolling in his grave if he knew what Bannon had turned his site into.

I didn't agree with Andrew Breitbart a lot but the man would be spinning in his grave if he saw what Bannon had turned his site into.

Anyone dare check the reactions at Breitbart? I would but I hate wading into that swamp and am a tad curious how they phrase it.

"People call me Foggy."

I used to barely give this show a thought, now I'm addicted to how they can possibly top their insanity every week.

Would be interesting depending on the story as you can imagine Obi-Wan doing an off-world adventure during his 20 year exile and still coming back to check on Luke. Be a good way to build on the Rebellion forming and McGregor in the role was always one of the best builds of the prequels.

Here is a great thing I just saw: A piece by Robert E. Lee in letters on what he thought of the statue idea:

Great point. I have family in Atlanta, lived in the South myself and yes they do talk of how bad slavery was but still accept it as how "the North was agressive" and see it as heroics. It's a good point to make on how it can be accepted as a cultural thing and not seeing the bad stuff and let's face it, happens to

As I said, he's smart, he HATES Trump, hates Fox, open on LGBT issues etc but still thinks "Social Justice Warriors" are trying to crush opposing viewpoints.

A conservative buddy who normally I get along with well, just did a rant on how "this is the excuse of the left to go after anything they deem wrong. Just because you're against Nazis doesn't mean you're a great guy, remember Stalin. At this rate, anyone Republican will be considered a Nazi and free speech outlawed."

Yet still seeing folks I usually respect bring up the "Left side was just as bad to spark trouble" and how the issue remains huge.

There's a great bit in a Criminal Minds episode where Garcia tells JJ about being with her beau in a shower and JJ going "doesn't sex in a shower sound a lot better before you actually do it?"

Have to give props to a show that shows just how messy and not fun sex in a shower really is.

We've crossed before and like I said, he hates Trump and open on lGBT stuff but am worried something will happen, hate to tear a friendship apart over this.

Just saw Republican buddy I mentioned posting in places on how "only a matter of time before they start burning books" in regards to "the leftists wanting to ruin history." Again, I like the guy and don't want to lose him as a friend but is a bit hard getting his "SJW are runing the world' line.

Thing is, as a historian and living a few years in the South, I can see the viewpoint, they do take it as pride and such. Yes, I know, it stands for a horrible institution but it still plays into their hands. "You know who else blows up statues? ISIS!"

Sadly, that can backfire. Just see the rants of "oh just wait, soon they'll want to remove Jefferson Memorial and blow up Mount Rushmore."