Michael Weyer

You're not jumping to the WOT Disqus? Well, thanks anyway for all the great insight and looks at the news and fighting the good fight despite things.

Look to the WOT Disqus, alreayd working on it.

Thanks for these, just great research and fun to read.

Good luck and thanks.

That's all well and good but your little brother is standing in a field in Afghanistan!

Yeah but somehow…I mean…not quite the same, you know?

Gentlemen…it has been a privilege commenting with you these last few years.

Sadly was off last night but thanks for all the fun debates here.

Not, I've had some bad history with Kinja.

So a few hours before a televised speech, looks into an eclipse. Must be that 4-D chess at work.

So anyone else checking out the various eclipse-related headlines at political places?

I doubt much damage. I'm convinced Trump has needed glasses for years but too vain to wear them so it was just a big blur to him.

Give him this, he did it damn good to con so many folks.

We are dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.

"Women, children and 15th century venitian merchants first!"

"Gentlemen….it has been a privilege commenting with you this evening."

And so now we know.

So Secret Service issued a statement: “The Secret Service has the funding it needs to meet all current mission requirements for the remainder of the fiscal year and compensate employees for overtime within statutory pay caps,” agency director Randolph “Tex” Alles said in a statement.
The current fiscal year ends Sept.

I love the way the Ayra/Sansa thing unfolds in how each is convinced they had it the worst off the last few years. But as Sansa points out, at least Arya was able to fight while she was stuck married to a madman.

Yeah my parents remind me 1979 wasn't exactly a utopian age….