Michael Weyer

They have the view of Obama a total incompetent who only played golf while at the same time a tyrant who shredded the Constitution.

Red State may cling to a lot of nutty right-wing stuff (Obama a racist, Hillary a criminal etc) but even they denounced Hannity on the Rich stuff and how idiotic the entire "conspiracy theory" is.

I have a buddy, Republican, military but open on LGBT stuff and hates Trump totally. But he said "good for him calling out both sides" as he maintains "we have free speech and have to defend it even for folks we hate." I like the guy so didn't really want to get into a huge row, done that too often but shows you don't

And big shock, Hannity defending Trump. He talked of Trump's "waiting for facts" crap and "learn from the mistakes of Obama always rushing to judgement." Even places that hate Obama are mocking Hannity for his Trump worship.

Sadly, a buddy I usually respect fell into that himself. Didn't want to really start anything calling him out but is troubling.

Gee big shock, the reaction on many places is "he's right, the protestors pushed this on." Because it is utter and absolute face in the reality of the right that "Obama was the most racially divisive President in history and Trump had to inherit his mess."

David Duke just tweeted his thanks for this speech.

Love the joke going around wrestling forums:

Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove is great. Basically time travellers give the South AK-47s (nice twist on where/when they're from and why they're doing this) and the South wins independence. Lee is made out to be the South's George Washington, wanting to retire but pressed to run for President and realizing

Also probably not the best time to push that "Black America" show where after the Civil War, slaves are given three Southern states as their own nation. That too can be problematic.

Sidebar but are you going to continue this when the Kinja switch happens? I know it can be a mess and such so wasn't sure if you would as can imagine those mods burying political stuff on a TV thread.

Yeah, I've seen times when you're going through every single comment and suddenly, at the bottom, is one with about 300 "likes", far more than others above it for some reason buried. It can be sometimes the writer of the piece not liking it and dropping it down or other issue, frankly annoying as hell.

And abounding is the line: "All your favorite Marvel Netflix heroes. And Iron Fist."

Yeah, Kinja and I have a bad history so I won't be making the commenting jump.

Oh he was talking about "possible military involvement" on Friday with Tillerson right there giving a "WTF?" look.

Red State seems to be having a civil war of thier own. Half the articles try to say "well, BLM and such…" but more strident voices openly saying "he NEEDS to condemn them, we don't want them here."

Damn, I'm missing this guy.

She wasn't eligible this year because season airing when noms came out and hard to tell for next but at least she has the one. Even the Emmys couldn't ignore her brilliance.

There was the bit in season three where Alison pretends to be Sarah facing Sarah pretending to be Rachel and my mind was just blown at how she worked it.

If you haven't, check out the gif at their Facebook page: Sarah, Helena and Cosima all dropping a mic…and Alison just kneels to put hers down. Perfect.