Michael Weyer

See, I like AV Club and agree Trump is a disaster but…I want to escape political talk, not indulge in it more.

Yeah, I saw the promos and rolled my eyes but then saw good reviews, checked it out and hooked.

Wasn't sure of this but saw Entertainment Weekly raving about it, checked it out and hooked. Much smarter than it seems and great.

"They…know we're brothers, right? And straight?"

The "Kingsman" comic has a whole subplot of sci-fi icons kidnapped. So Mark Hamil is himself abducted and when his kidnappers talk about "Episode I was the Kennedy assassination of our generation" he just gives them a "SERIOUSLY?!" reaction.

They might have but no real big additions.

I grew up in a time when folks thought WWIII was not only possible but downright inevitable. My parents in a time when it was even higher. Not to mention slews of scares over the years of various issues. Concern? Hell yes. But I recently got through a bit of a family scare that made me realize more pressing things in

At least you're in the sane mode unlike CNN which are all in on the "BOMBS ARE FALLING NOW" mantra.

Seriously, so few shows manage to wonderfully skewer yet honor the way fans take their "love" to the extreme like this.

Keep in mind, back in '97, great CGI was still rare so these effects were astounding to see.

I was two when the first movie came out, still one of my earliest memories. So was hooked onto the saga from the start and enjoyed it all, even the "lean years" of the late 1980s. It kicked back up in '91 when the novels began the Expanded Universe and a new love for them and kept it up on VHS.

The Blu-Ray set has a great documentary looking at it all and love how Cameron admits he came off a total asshole at the Oscars. "You win an Oscar, never quote your own movie."

"Well, that's fine and all Ricky but YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS STANDING IN A FIELD IN CUBA!"

Nah, always saw her hot in any way. Tilda Swinton is the one with the androgynous/ethereal sexiness down pat.

Sadly, a one-off, the rest of his lineup is rather poor.

Stan Lee's best cameo yet.

Seriously, 14 WEEKS at number one. Nothing today could match that.

Bingo. Folks thought "it's all good, LGBT rights great, civil rights better" and sanity prevailed. The left (particuarly this site) needed to see as a fact that there are millions out there convinced Obama was the worst thing to happen to America and that they'd go to ANYONE to "fix" things.

It was great. Then when they hit VHS in a big set that fall, a huge seller all over and just great reliving it all over again.

That is the thing if Hillary had won, things would not be automatically better. Because they would fight her on EVERYTHING. They would let the Supreme Court get to two judges and a janitor before hearing any picks she makes. They would drag on stuff and make it all look her fault which would cost the Dems in 2018 and