Michael Weyer

My uncle is a lifelong Republican but hates Fox news. So he has a different view than others. He hates Trump winning more, refused to even mention him during a recent visit. My aunt does hold Obama did damage but my uncle laughs at the Marxist stuff ("He was the most center right Democrat you can imagine.") and it's

I do have to give grudging respect to places who cite "no, don't bring up Obama playing golf when Trump has done more in eight months than Obama in a year".

Oh, it has been credited, I've seen it all over. They truly believe the economy cratered under Obama and only Trump can save it.

Over at Town Hall, someone did a thing on "the failed 2018 military coup on Trump." It starts off talking on how "the Dems saw their made up Russian collusion story backfire exposing Schultz and their own dirty dealing" and thus spark a revolt that's put down by the genius of Mattis.

Which leads to the mentality on the right that when Obama vacationed, it was all he did. Somehow, when Trump plays golf, he's also making deals to save jobs and such.

We put our faith in BLAST HARDCHEESE!

All culminating in WCW managing to somehow blow the surefire Hogan/Sting battle into a mess that basically was the beginning of their end.

Two movie bits to note:

I was always a Titanic buff and yeah, I loved how Cameron just nailed it perfectly in the sinking. The tech, the way it shatters and showing the panic, it really was amazing.

This thing with DVDs is that they really weren't instantly over. They were like laserdiscs at first, fancy but not seen as needed as VHS still dominated. It wasn't until they started pouring the extra features on that they suddenly became more "must have" and their rise.

I know everyone talks Ross/Rachel but to me, the real romantic life of the show was when they put Chandler and Monica together. I know, it was going to be brief but then the writer realized A) the audience was responding to those two better and B) those two were perfect for each other.

I'm in the minority but the true awesome Bond game is Everything or Nothing. 2004 EA release using voice and likeness of Brosnan, Dench and Cleese as Q. A great plot, William Dafoe as the bad guy, Heidi Klum and Shannon Elizabeth as the Bond girls and even Jaws. Great action of third person, use of gadgets, cool

I was working at a movie theater when the Special Editions came out. It was serious business, folks flocking in with their kids just to see it on a big screen. It's rare you hear cheer for a movie that's been out 20 years but you heard it and was a really huge thing.

Have to love how one single word can so nicely state "we. Are. FUCKED."

I will pay whatever amount of money it takes for a Brienne/Ayra spin-off.


"Country wouldn't elect a President who was on Sharkando."

One is a knight with an attitude.


Forgetting They're All the Same Actress: Taking a bit to realize it is Sarah posing as Rachel, the look was that good.