Michael Weyer

Oh dear Lord, PLEASE tell me the studio is going to release some sort of "before the CGI" stuff. I need to see them reacting to ping pong balls instead of monsters or some of the utter crazy crap. I will pay money for that.

I love how the producers decided after two seasons "well, we tried the serious sci-fi. We tried to treat it with respect and tried to make it grounded. Fuck it, let's just go all out, damn the science." AND I LOVE IT.

I actually think McConaughey would be a great Randall Flagg.

Seriously, TV mini-series are the only way to do justice to King's work.

The man has an Oscar.

On the first season Blu-Ray of Game of Thrones, Martin says he was always wary of selling the story to Hollywood as he knew writers who did it and "they keep the name but change everything else." Which was why he knew an HBO series was better and insisted on input and it's worked out well.

Yeah, think they just wanted to touch on the South but more realistic to think giving them far West desert stuff.

Already thinking Valerian might have done better if moved to August, a lot of dead space here.

So you know the fuss over HBO's Confederacy show? Well, looks like Amazon is responding. "Black America" is a new series in development that imagines that after the Civil War, the U.S. made reparations for slavery by basically giving Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama to former slaves for their own country.

Look, I recognize its flaws but the sheer hate on it is bad. Worse is that I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 2, collected figures, games, comics, the works. Yet I have had people tell me to my face "if you like Episode I, you're not a real fan." THAT pisses me off more than anything.

My brother and I crack about how much the figures we had are going for today. "Silly us, we thought the point of having action figures was to play with them constantly."

My local theater is just one huge screen. In fact, right now showing Dunkirk as it's practically IMAX size (lacking the super-sound of course) but huge room.

I will forever maintain that Casablanca is the most perfect movie ever made.

Didn't see the first two Rockys but saw III and IV in theater. III, folks crying when Rocky lost and Mickey died and cheering when he won at the end.

I did see it. Really was big, the cheers for the opening, hails for Maul lightsaber and huge cheer when it ended so I was happy and then baffled when within weeks, the "WE MUST HATE IT" mantra came in.

Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Good Lord, even Red State is ripping anyone who "actually believes this crap." And this is literally after an article talking about how it's time to take down Susan Rice for her misdeeds.


EW just had the gem of "19 things that lasted longer than Moochie's job:"

I saw this absolute gem: