Michael Weyer

Nah, fave part is that he was LITERALLY escorted out of the White House by Secret Service. This is literally Veep come to life.

All I did was get there before the dozen other guys who have used it on this thread.

I remember the Black-Ish post-election episode, the woman who voted for Trump argues about being racist.

How about a third line for the "didn't do the Fandango?"

They're totally in your face

Already seen about six other guys using it on this very thread.

Drinking game!

Moochie died on his way back to his home planet.

Related but Scaraimucci is OUT!

Not bad, saw Atomic Blonde, nice dinner, spent Sunday chatting with friends and such and computer stuff. Quiet but good, catching up on Netflix stuff.

Just not right Atomic Blonde not a bigger deal. I mean, the stairway scene alone is worth the price of admission.

Glad to see you survived your journey through the hellscape that is the Breitbart message boards.

Dear God, this is where we are, Orrin Hatch is a voice of reason.

Keep in mind, even "moderates" on the right automatically believe transgenderism is proof you're mentally ill and "we don't want that in the military."

A common thing I've seen is the question "why do his voters not see him as the hateful idiot he is?" Well, you have to understand right off that there's always been a bit of the left/right divide to start with. The left saw Bush as a doofus in his speeches, the right saw him as a brilliant speaker. The left saw Obama

"This is Jon Snow." Nice to oversell it, Davos.

She came in like a boss and she goes out the same way. Thank you so much Dame Diana Rigg.

Lady Olenna, going out like a boss.

I usually trust Besson but really, why he thought those two should be the leads made no sense, never really felt the need to see it for them.

Yeah and it was horrible. See when she tries it again in season three, it's like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.