Michael Weyer

Forgetting They're All The Same Actress: Being impressed at how Alison has a much better grasp of Sarah's accent.

Okay, not as great as Wick but that entire stairway sequence is a thing of utter beauty. And have to love a movie showing what a total battered mess someone really would be getting into all these fights.

it’s forced comedians to pay attention to the millions of people who voted for him, in an effort to understand how his presidency came to be.

And the SNL writers moan "why is this happening in July?!"

First season is just sorta bad. Second starts going entertaining. Third is now sheer glorious insanity and revels in it, making it beautifully bad entertainment.

There's a very bad live-action Rocky and Bullwinkle movie. No, not the 2000 one but earlier, very low budget and rather bad. But it does have a bit of June passing by Sally Kellerman as Natasha and saying how big a fan she is.

"Hansel? Hansel? Hansel!"

And Velo? We're talking about people who ignore…

Just pointing out an argument. Again, the key thing is that far too many conservatives yell that "trans people are mentally ill,, we want that in the military?" Then again, they also try to claim PTSD is "just a phase."

Friend of mine is former military and conservative but not overtly so. He has the odd “SJW agenda” rant but he respects LGBT as a way of life and not hostile to it. He pointed out the issue is that for every guy in the military like him who would be okay with it, there are 50 assholes who would openly say “why risk my

That's something I have seen from gay folks, complaining a major peeve is the assumption they want to sleep with every guy they see. "You want to sleep with EVERY woman you see? No, same thing, move on."

Problem being, there are still way too many people on his side. Even those Republicans who were NeverTrump are going "well, he's doing things we like" and dismissing "liberal crybabies" and such. Remember, they're convinced Social Justice Warriors are a massive force out to destroy our freedoms like ISIS. I've lived

Back in her stand-up days, Paula Poundstone had a crack about a Republican guy saying he was worried he'd be "tempted" by gay kids in high school and why he wanted them kept out. Poundstone stated "I'm pretty sure becoming gay isn't a game of 'red rover, red rover."

I disagree with your feelings but I nonetheless thank you for your service.


So the Pentagon will be giving back the roughly 100 billion dollars a year it openly admits to spending on total crap?

I'm still baffled because Catherine Zeta-Jones says she talked to her about playing her on Feud yet now she has huge issues with it.

Had expected Jericho to go "Oh, wait, I put you on the List last November, my bad…."

God, I loved his Ra's. He just captured the majesty, the madness, the regal cunning but also snapping, it was just so amazing and perfect for the character.

Well, this just got dark.