Michael Weyer

Look at Kansas, they keep voting for the same guys who made the state a mess.

Saw Scott in theaters myself, really deserved to be a bigger hit.

The "diner explanation scene" from Black Dynamite remains one of the most genius long-run joke scenes ever made.

"I am not drinking the fucking Merlot!"

Folks ask why I check out right-wing sites. It's so I'm not as shocked when they do stuff like this.

Hot Fuzz.

So he doesn't find Manbearpig?

They know it's not from Obama. That's all that matters.

Thanks for the posts but clear it's going to pass, they wouldn't be trying if they didn't have the votes. Can't say I'm surprised, saw it coming for a while and the real shame? That even after they're screwed over massively, so many on the right will still claim much better than "the evil of Obamacare."

Sharks have a week dedicated to Chuck Norris.

I gave it a shot in season 1, found it just distracting fun. Then it upped the ante to wild stuff in season two like knocking off a main character and building up the insanity. Now, it is sheer glorious madness and I can't get enough of it.

Disagree with a lot but come on, the man is a war hero, deserves respect.

I read a copy of the script in an EW preview, seems he literally has a gun to his head by the cartel boss and comes up with the whole "launder through the Ozarks" scheme totally on the spot and makes it sound like a long-term plan. So it's not quite a rational decision.

My grandfather was in WW2 but never wanted to talk about it, indicating it must have been rough stuff. Never got to really get into it as I was to young when he died but clearly haunted.

To their credit, Red State did a bit mocking just how illogical the entire "Democrats are setting up Jr" bit is:

I thought the vote was being put off until McCain recovered and word he could be in hospital even longer.

Supreme Court has given Hawaii judge until Tuesday to back down from his "flip flopping" against Trump's travel ban. Should be interesting.

So on the day Game of Thrones returns, we lost a George and a Martin.

Read descriptions of her at TV Tropes: "She only accepts adulation and anyone who doesn't is a an enemy; she thinks manipulation and backstabbing are the way to govern; she drives off anyone who actually tries to advise her when they tell her she's doing it wrong."

They really wanted the older actors to show up as cameos but when they heard the plan was to have them all killed off by their own leader, they refused.