Michael Weyer

Um, a quick note on the "next time" thing. 300 was in 2007 so are you skipping 2006?

And seeing yells of "why no Tatiana Maslany" when she's not eligible as Orphan's season started too late.

It joins the Wire as "one of the best dramas to NEVER get Emmy love."

Man, the lead actress in mini-series/movie is tough. Kidman, Witherspoon, Lange, Sarandon, Huffman and Coon, all worthy.

That is the one hope now: That some GOP Senators have the foresight to know this is going to blow up in their faces in 2018 and such so oppose it rather than "give Donald a win."

Actually, I spent the two weeks prior warning so many (including here at AV Club) that Trump could win it and was dismissed as "Russian troll."

And I do love how some sites on the right, the big complaint isn't so much the tax cuts or such but because they truly believe "it's just a carbon copy of Obamacare." And they note how it's insane the GOP spent eight years campaigning for repeal and had nothing else to replace it.

So someone decided to bring out articles of impeachment on Trump.

Seriously, I saw the two big "twists" of Westworld coming early on. The Good Place was last real surprise I got form a TV show.

Fun bit: Here's Lugeyps3 reacting to seeing herself on the show opening:

Also Trump called Jr "A high-quality son." Who TALKS like that?!

Joe Scarborough announced on Colbert he is no longer a Republican but an independent. Yep, Trump sure is uniting the party.

Don't forget the revelation that Melsiandre is actually a centuries old hag using magic to look young and beautiful.

First 15 minutes are up already. Basically some whacky character stuff, an MIT grad figures it out first and calls a professor…who then goes missing, assuming the government shushed him up. So the kid goes to this famous billionaire and lays it out with his name and "life is going to end in 168 days."

Always thought they missed the obvious gag: Elder Bruce talking, turns around to see JLU Batman gone and snorts "Huh. So that's what that feels like…"

See, GOP is really divided now between the Trumpites who literally say "he has already cut 62 billion off the budget"; the actual Republicans who put up with him because "we get a Conservate Court and other stuff we like"; and actual conservatives who are more pissed off at him winning than most liberals. The latter

Because you have to understand, they truly believe she's a Bond villain who has killed dozens of people and masterminded countless crimes. They really buy this, amazing.

This really is great when you consider the plot of the later Booster comic. He's picked by Rip Hunter to be the protector of the time stream and make sure things don't wreck it. However, to ensure he's safe from any time traveling enemies, Rip has made sure no one knows his real name or origins. In Booster's case,

Forgetting They're All The Same Actress Moment: Seeing Rachel at the dinner table and thinking she really needs to eat more, looked so much thinner than Cosima.

The only media to me that's gotten teenagers right is Friday Night Lights. They're not adults in kid bodies making pop culture references and quoting obscure authors. They're foolish, short-sighted, screw up constantly, they're real teens. So few shows get that, it always has to be "kids know everything, adults are