Michael Weyer

As for Butler…man, what is it with that guy? Just saw trailer for Geostorm and hit me how this is a really talented actor but just goes to so many crap movies…

In the "You're Not Helping Your Cause Department", Linda Sasour, has called for a "jihad" on the President of the United States.

Most anything with Adam Sandler but especially 50 First Dates which is basically taking advantage of a woman losing her memory every day.

Ladies and gentlemen, your new Internet meme has been born.

Yeah, it's not like you can, say, read a dozen different books about it and know how this event turned out.

Still remember the folks moaning on Rise being such a stupid idea and now its second sequel is being hailed as fantastic.

In Illinois, we just take it as a matter of course. You have to get REALLY bad for folks in Chicago to complain about your corruption.


Man, so hoping Blonde isn't a let down. Then again, Baby Driver just upped the ante in action movies big-time so a hard act to follow.

I remember seeing a documentary on Western movies where the host is asked "Oh, so this is a documentary like Inconvenient Truth?" "That wasn't a documentary, that was a Power Point presentation." So glad you used that insight too.

I would not be at all shocked if he has needed glasses for years but is too vain to wear them.

Meanwhile, Chris Christie in the hot seat from both sides after photographed at a beach after he'd closed others for a budget shutdown. And his priceless response "I think my poll numbers show I don't care about personal optics."

"If we destroy Kansas, the rest of the world may not hear of it for years."

Forgetting They're All the Same Actress Moment: Seeing the Sarah/Helena talk and noting how the makeup suddenly made Helena look more like Sarah than usual.

Look at that man. Are you REALLY going to tell him what to do?

Okay, the Lockjaw teleporting effect is damn cool.

Okay changing it to a old-styled video game sounds good and all.

Trump promising a "great surprise' regarding this. God help us.

His type seem to believe that if they're not secretly plotting suicide attacks, all Muslims are planning to kill gay people at the drop of a ht.

And make sure you stay after all the credits. THAT'S how you do a stinger.