Michael Weyer

Described it to a friend who eats up John Carpenter style stuff and he goes "How did I know know about this show?!"

Also tonight: Blood Drive which is the most gloriously insane show on air right now.

Ojka. To see Tilda Swinton be terrifyingly beautiful and beautifully terrifying as only she can.

Wonder Woman to see DC FINALLY get it right.

Also, was reading a bit at Red State on how Greg Gianforte ended up getting more money donated to him after he body-slammed that reporter.

So yesterday I found myself talking to what seemed to be a rational man about the whole issue of the "refusing to bake gay wedding cake" thing coming to Supreme Court. He seemed okay at first before complaining about "gay serfdom" and how this approached slavery.

I look at Rita Moreno and I just shake my head this woman is eighty-five years old.

If you haven't read it, Rob Bricken's FAQ of Transformers is a thing of beauty:

I will miss how he just lived his life under the total conviction he was this MASSIVE tech power genius who had folks in awe when the truth was most in the business have zero clue who he was. The way Miller just sold Erlich in his own private world that revolved around him and denying reality was the joy that made the

Good point. Like I said, left-wing bubble can be just as big and blinding as the one on the right.

Sadly these days, defeatism and realism are far too close.

Never read too much Dan Brown.

Because you are not dealing with rational people. You are dealing with people who bring up "Dems started the KKK" Like it's the exact same party. Who believe Obama spent $200 million on a single trip to India. Who think Hillary has had dozens murdered. And who believe "climate alarmism" is a massive hoax by thousands

It was actually my niece who got into them first back in 1999. The first couple I thought typical kids stuff but, like so many Goblet of Fire made me realize much darker and more daring than expected. The movies are good if not quite matching and just have to give props to how it transformed into something so much

What, nothing for Mass Effect Andromeda?

One of my favorite reactions to GLOW in some comments is "geez, they're going overboard on this '80s stuff." As someone who lived in that time period, I can assure you, they are, if anything, UNDERselling the mentality of hair, music, fashion and more.

I choose reality. I'm just trying to give an idea of the opposition faced by this by folks who will never, EVER rid themselves of the menality of Obama as a race baiting, socialist, incompetent who wanted to destroy the country. This is payback for them, they don't care about long-term at all. Sucks to be sure but

Really? Because the week before the election I tried to address the fact Trump had an excellent chance of winning and was slammed as a "russian bot" and such. No one wanted to listen to me relating the talk of Michigan much closer than it seemed and kept to the "Hillary landslide" mentality. Like I said, the left has

Actually, I do love how conservative spots like Red State grouse on the fact Trump has spent more time at the golf course in his first six months than anyone before him.

I'm more of a moderate really who recognizes how this place tends to fall into the left-wing bubble a bit too much at times. Thus either side engaging in "DOOM DOOM DOOM" at any choice made by the other doesn't seem the right process.