Michael Weyer

What? But according to the right, LGBTs run the country and persecute straight people every days. SJWs are running rampant and preventing free speech! How can they possibly claim to be some minority or something?

Especially as Sanders is under investigation by the FBI, he's got more problems.

See, I get where you're coming from and agree but guess what? The "thousands/millions will die if this pass" thing sounds to the right just like the "France is going to become a Muslim state after the election" or "Obama is going to steal our guns" thing sounded to the left. Use the hysteria and it doesn't help sell

Maybe because, I don't know, it just wasn't good? Yes, even Netflix can see a dog when reviews and such come in.

A segment of a gay pride parade in Chicago told Jews to not hold up Star of David banners because "it's not right and makes folks nervous."

Topped by Donnie collapsing and showing the audience he's wearing nothing under the kilt.

Forgetting They're All The Same Actress Moment: Wondering how many times they had to redo the "Alison meets Cosima" scene as they both kept cracking up at Alison acting high.

Have heard that Ainley did do more subdued scenes but they wanted him to be more hammy.

Here's the thing with the Master: The man was ALWAYS a total lunatic. Yes, Delgado was charming but clearly a sociopath willing to kill half the universe to get his own way. The idea is that the Master ran through all his regenerations by the time the Doctor was on his fourth and then stealing bodies so he just got

Meanwhile, Trumpites up in arms over how Queen Elizabeth left him off in a speech. This leads to their belief that she's afraid or intimidated by him.

Reminds me of the comic where Frank Miller has a gun to his head and told "Write a woman who is NOT a man-hating stripper."

Oh, it is…it SO IS.

Me, I'm now rooting for the Yellowstone Supervalcano.

"A Daring Dragoon is he!"

You left off Rob Leifeld as artist.

I can already see quite a few right-wing blogs tomorrow ranting "It's the same fucking thing as Obamacare, ignoring it's far worse but it's not the "repeal and replace" they want.

Jim Jamtis at Red State has said he has switched his allegiance from the Sweet Meteor of Death to the impending Yellowstone Supervolcano.

Did I miss something or they ever explain what the hell the point was of the opening scene of the season in East Berlin? Just baffled.

Yeah loved Emmit coming in, confused as hell until it hit him and just the way she let him know he sold his company off for pittance and still has a "huge debt" and such. Just so wonderful.

Even though I saw it coming, still loved how Emmit just leaves behind the stamp that started this whole damn mess behind without a second thought.