Michael Weyer

That shot of Varga's gang walking with the cars keeping up was a thing of sheer beauty.

I do remember '80s and '90s, so many damn mini-series, it was just insane. Amazing how much was spent on those back then. And did think North and South one of the best ever.

Except right now having the support of Sanders isn't a good thing as it was….

Gee, a Dem lost in Georgia. Shocker.

Still love Rose McIver's line on how it takes them longer to make her look like "regular" Liv than Zombie LIv.


Well, as you can imagine, the wrestling blogs are taking this in their usual calm, rational fashion….

That I couldn't get, somehow turning Ossoff into some grand champion. The guy is just so lightweight and that he couldn't pull this off proves he wasn't going to be the bright light.

Bingo. Sam Wang was the guy going on about no chance whatsoever and even bet he'd eat a bug on TV if Trump got 240 electoral votes. I was listening to Silver talking about how Trump could win electoral and Hillary popular weeks before the election, he was always giving Trump a much better shot than the ones who

Hey, I have family living in Atlanta, good people. Really, making such broad stroke comments is not helping.

I don't get the shock. I have family in Atlanta, I've been there, the idea the state going blue like this was ridiculous.

Very nice satire. This….was satire right?

Given Day-Lewis, he would insist on waiting to be a grandfather for real in order to do proper research.

Remember: His followers still claim he "won in a landslide."

97. I still remember some old stand-up comic routine. "Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease. Coincidence?! I think not!"

You can tell McShane signed on just for that Odin speech, he sold every single second of it to build up and didn't need the "echo" to sell his name.

I have had the misfortune of meeting some Sandy Hook "Truthers" and…it's not pretty. They ignore any idea of truth, bring up "memorial pages were posted before shooting, see they're actors." You cut it down and they will go "you REALLY think they can't be paid to fake this?" I ask what about how so many of them lived

Forgetting They're All The Same Actress Moment: MK's rather pathetic attempt to replicate Sarah's accent.

Well, the writers have been on Twitter noting that they had expected another season when the axing came so have to rush so much stuff.

Fare thee well Reign and thank you for four wonderful years.