Michael Weyer

And of course so many places now taking "the left owns this." Ignoring, oh, say, the YEARS of folks at places calling for Obama to be hanged, Hillary jailed, etc.

Guess what? No one cares now that a Sanders supporter took shots at Republicans, it's a free pass for weeks.

It was like the bit of Melissa McCarthy as Spicer: "80 percent of Chicago has been murdered!"

Rachel Bloom count?

BTW, bring up the Gifford shooting and the automatic reply is "shooter was a Democrat supporter, FAIL LIBTARD!"

At first, I worried I'd miss his bafflement at her personality shifts. But it's even better now, him often scared what she's going to turn into next.

BTW, Alex Jones now is saying that Megan Kelly "ambushed him" during their interview and now demanding it not air on Sunday as it's Father's Day. And somehow, Kelly is attacking Father's Day by airing the interview then. Because she hates fathers.

Just a note: Today marked the 30th anniversary of the movie that gave us one of the greatest lines of all time:

I won't say either, will say I cannot believe how folks are raving about it when it's just not that good.

A great observation from Red State, believe it or not: "You'd think an experienced prosecutor would know how to be a good witness."

So remember the huge outcry over that production of "Julius Caesar" where Caesar looks like Trump? The one that had the right screaming and such?

Just loved when Figueroa shows up and they're all "Seriously? They send HER in to talk to us?!"

Ugh, can't you just enjoy or not a movie based on its own merits without fear of being judged as sexist/racist/whatever other bias around?

Hell, freaking Van Helsing was more entertaining than the new Mummy.

True but still a harder sell given the massive critical hate. Plus, the next installments due to star Depp and Barden who aren't exactly huge draws overseas (especially Depp nowadays).

Seriously, Rachel Bloom was right there.

I'm just amazed by that because people have been making fun of him for 30 years, you'd think he'd have developed a tougher skin by now.

Yeah but with the critical hate, just seems unlikely to go more. This makes DC's movie plans look well thought out.

So The Mummy seems to be on its way to flop status, putting Universal's entire "Dark Universe" in jeopardy.

What babe?