Michael Weyer

Except you say "irrefuteable" and guess what? Folks are going to refute it. I know, I know but sadly far too many are willing to listen to the three percent of scientists than the vast majority. I know, it's not rational but that's how it is.

I was about to say, we have folks who honestly think the world is flat, is only 6000 years old and you can beat HIV with just herbs and exercise. So why be shocked they deny this too?

It's not nuts. It's lack of understanding of science and mixing "Climate" and "weather." It's why it's easy for them to go "Oh, Boston had snow in May and Colorado too!" as "proof" it's fake.

Watching a sneak preview of The Rundown back in 2003. Packed crowd, ready to watch it all, the big final battle about to happen…and massive power failure. Hey, at least got a free pass out of it.

So binging on House of Cards and amazing how, yes, they DO make their election nuttier than the real world.

Again, folks here just totally don't get how the right-wing mentality works. They truly believe there has to be some mass conspiracy to make climate change "happen" and jump on any false data as proof it's ALL a hoax.

On The House my dad did laugh at the part of the trailer where Ferrell's character believes a 401K means you have $401,000….as he's known people in his business who honestly did think that.

Christine: "Your honor, due to the…pathetic circumstances, I move for dismissal."
Harry: "Prosecution?"
Dan: "Let's just hang them, put them out of their misery…"

And it's official: CNN has fired Griffin.

I love when they mention her passing, everyone is giving each other looks and then Christina goes "Oh, hell, SOMEONE has to ask. How'd she die?"
June: "She passed away in her sleep."
Harry: "That's it?"
June: "Yeah." Pause. "Course, she was on the train tracks at the time…"
Harry tosses a pencil as everyone rolls eyes.

I loved the big gag at the end of the pilot when they finally learn how Harry became a judge: On the day the mayor was handing out the spot, Harry was the only guy on the list who wasn't out playing golf and so at home to accept.

So Kathy Griffin did a thing of beheading Trump and everyone on both sides lost their damn minds.

"Stop trying to make Colin Farrell happen, Hollywood." - Nikki Fine.

Resident Evil

I just two years old when the first movie came out, my earliest movie-going experience. Just blew me away at that young age and was hooked fast. My grandfather was one of the first guys to get hold of a VCR and soon following it there with toys, the works and it's been a life-long love affair since.

And a note how FOX NEWS crew openly state that Gianforte was the assaulter here.

On 3, they believe it. They truly think she's a Bond villain who's killed dozens of people over the years. True, some think she's "merely" a crook who helped cause Bengahzi and such but others maintain "anyone connected to them dies."

I find it fascinating some sites (like Red State) are slamming Hannity and how the entire conspiracy is stupid….then go right on talking about all the "other crimes we KNOW Hillary has commited" and on how Obama's payments to Iran have paved the way for ISIS.

I remember on one of his "making of" docs, Ridley Scott mentions how studios hate him because he insists on putting in so much ultra-detail for background stuff that's only on screen for a minute.

That was one of the best touches: In this world, Lex Luthor never turned to crime and really is a good man and Superman's best friend. It was a great turn, showing the hero Luthor could have been had things gone differently and loved his struggle knowing Superman was wrong but hating going against a guy he loved like