Michael Weyer

This is a rare show where I started watching from the start before it became this "must-watch" show. Downright cute to see the first season where the idea of Olivia and Fitz was the big event before they started bringing in all the insanity and messing things up. Do think past time, it was always so tied to Fitz as

Marketing was terrible, the trailers never grabbed you and for $175 million, looked incredibly cheap in so many ways.

And reaction from some folks? "Well, of course, they're big time Dems, they don't want his connection found." Ugh, I hate people some days.

God, folks going "well, his family are big time Dems, of course they don't want the truth known."

Always remember: Baywatch Nights was the first major TV credit of Angie Harmon.

Don't scoff at the Hoff.

To repeat: Fox news retracted and apologized for the original story. And even most right-wing sites think this is completely insane. THAT'S how far on the ledge Hannity was with this.

Well, let's see….

So after spending the night talking of how he was going to do a "bombshell" announcement on the murder of Seth Rich and its connections to Wikileaks, Sean Hannity got on the air. And this despite the family demanding he stop. And AFTER FOX NEWS THEMSELVES actually (get ready) retracted and apologized for the original

Seriously, if you never read the tie-in comic for the first game, awesome stuff. Showcases how Superman fell to becoming the worst guy on Earth, the battles against him, massive losses on both sides, just one of the best books DC put out.

I'm a sucker for Family Fun Pack, just the kids so damn cute to suck me in and they just welcomed a new baby to the bunch.

Damn, always loved him as he was the Bond when I was getting into the series as a kid and brought a nice charm to the role.

Nope, he's for real, a throwback to when the GOP actually cared about things.

My uncle is a lifelong Republican and he HATES Fox with a passion, thinking it's helped the nuts take over the party. He was no fan of Obama but rolled his eyes at the "tyrant" talk and really thought the guy was too moderate. He says he's lost a lot of friends who talk the Fox conspiracies and is more upset about

It's Twin Peaks, you don't jot out some quickie review.

And talk already of Trump maybe cutting the trip short because it's too exhausting for him.

I love how this is evidentally WWE trying to win over the market in India…ignoring the tiny fact Jinder is from Canada.

Loved Laura's reaction to it, obviously thrown that there IS something afterward while also noting it's not what her parents told her.

Just go to how it was before 1996. Never was a fan of the "current President speaks' thing as Lincoln serves so much better on several levels.

Always rough to judge by pilot trailer (remember how bad Arrow looked?) but not sure, the costume looks a bit much but the idea of his daughter having powers too is promising.