Michael Weyer

What really baffles me about Trump's overreactions to insults and such is that people have been making fun of him for 30 years. You'd think after all that time, he'd have developed a thick skin but no, he still reacts like a three year old if someone talks about him in a bad way.

His days were numbered from his very first briefing.

Gotham renewed.

Yeah, seen the "Dems wanted Comeny out" line spouted all over the place (including left sites). So no surprise that was coming.

I couldn't be the only one just waiting to see how Ray would blow the Emmit impression. I was shocked he actually made it out of the bank without being found out.

I just noted, the twist is that she discovers she's actually perfectly healthy…AFTER she's dumped her boyfriend, quit her job, blown her life savings and told her family and friends what she really thinks of them.

Actually, quick check on Life Sentence: The REAL plot is that after dumping her boyfriend, quitting her job and blowing her cash on trips, Hale's character is informed there was a mistake and she's perfectly healthy. Thus, the title, she's now trapped by all the decisions she made as she's found out that "live each

Actually, I didn't know you and Cali had as your histories are both private so didn't see those comments made.

That's always been my issue with the "Trump is turning into a dictator' line. Because the guy has ZERO impulse control and patience and inability to see the long-term, things you can't really say dictators have.

To his credit, Kring has admitted making the mistake of assuming fans wanted another "spread out and slow build" and not introducing the killer virus plot sooner. But the writers still maintain they would have bounced back without the strike.

Bingo. And I shudder to think there's an alternate universe where Firefly is basically just like Heroes in terms of falling apart in quality over five or six years.

Said it on the thread but well worth repeating:

Here's the thing which I've seen from checking out the ring-wing places folks say I shouldn't: The GOP is NOT united. If anything, there is bigger division than ever because of Trump. Yes, they may like some of his moves but many in the Senate (who see things more long-term than the House) are recognizing this is

We give Fox so much shit for axing good shows early but this shows some series really are better off just having one great year.

Dare we dream he keeps as Crane? Come on, Crane in LA writes itself.

Congratulations, Heroes, you are no longer the go-to answer for "Show that was an awesome surprise in its first year then fell apart fast."

Good piece:

Well, they have lost Vampire Diaries and Reign is ending. They've renewed Supernatural and all the DC shows. However, they have only six pilots so it's not like a huge slate to possibly use for slots.

And in what I hope is not a case of tempting fate, Thomas just said in an interview that he's so sure of renewal that he changed the season finale to a cliffhanger.

I just read how this season, they were planning a "vignette" type episode explaining all these unresolved characters: Maleficent and Lilly, Mulan, Aurora, what happened to the plot threads of the Wonderland spin-off, etc. They couldn't fit it in this year but with less Emma, more a chance to spread out.