Michael Weyer

Apparently Carylye didn't want to take part so they wrote in how Rumple wasn't affected by the spell. Actually thought it made it funnier.

Historically, the Senate has always understood better than the House how things actually WORK so they see the long-range picture better.

I don't know, Town Hall is giving him a run with their rants on "France no longer exists. It has surrended to Islam. We should invade it now."

Scott Adams: "The next Muslim country to have nuclear weapons will be France." The hell happened to that guy?

It is odd. Look at James Buchanan: Congessman, senator, state legislator, Secretary of State, Ambassador….and he ends up being the worst President ever.

It is amazing how they truly, honestly believe this. I don't like Red State much but at least their forums had people going "I'm sorry, I have to pick beween a socialist and the one who denies the Holocaust happening, I'm going with the socialist." Their FB link, however is packed with "France is DEAD Sharia law is

Yeah, that's the annoying thing. Many places (say, Red State and other sites), their issue with Trump isn't so much he's an incompetent bigot (although to be fair some do acknowledge that), it's that he's "too liberal." They HOWLED hearing of his spending bill and "we warned you all he would do this just like Hillary."

Quick note as I did spent weekend checking many right places to get their takes on the AHCA passage. I was surprised to find most agree with places like here on how terrible it is. They even cite the same examples: Almost no one has read it, rammed through too fast without checking and quite obviously done to give

Glad to see I was wrong on Le Pen pulling it off.

Gillian Anderson as Lucy. My life is now complete.

A bit late but noting how a LOT Of right-wing places hate this passed. Keep in mind, their view is different as they believe it is LITERALLY 'just the same as Obamacare" (yes, it's worse but fine) and loathe it was passed rather than full repeal.

It is interesting how many conservative places (like Red State and others) cling to the idea that "This is LITERALLY the same thing as Obamacare." Yes, we know it's not but telling how they think it's crap (albeit for different reasons) and hate it being passed too.

LIke I said, tricky. Then again, I went to a Catholic High School in a very conservative part of Florida where they still taught science as equally so can be surprising.

That show…I gave it a chance and before I knew it, was hooked, great cast, fun vibe and one of the best lesbian romances on TV.

This is a tricky thing for me as I tend to be left-leaning but also Catholic so I can't be totally pro-life. I get it and all but it's hard to really be that upset over abortions cut down on.

And this very board proves that point right….

Remember the "Ronda Rousey MUST be Captain Marvel" push?

Hopefully enough. Keep in mind, many Repubs are still pressured to "Just repeal, worry replace later" and that plays a part.

There was a bit during one of those SNL anniversary shows where Myers is with Lorne backstage and going "It's not TOTALLY based on you…"

And many a right-wing site is openly going "Religious freedom law AND taking away healthcare from millions? Are they TRYING to give Dems Congress in 2018?"