Michael Weyer

So got into a heated discussion with a friend of mine, former Army, a conservative but no fan of Trump or much of the GOP. He was sharing how reviews from readers of a fantasy book, The Black Witch where they were upset that referring to elves as "half-breeds" in the book was "promoting racism."

Marisa Tomei.

Speaking of health issues, apparantly folks on both sides are taking exception to Jimmy Kimmel "politicizing" his newborn son's health with mentions of funding for medical research and ACA. It's sadly not just on the right, folks on left-leaning sites also saying Kimmel making it too political and it "ruins the…

True but god, I miss Horizons….

Who are the only sibling duo to win acting Oscars?

Does that mean a spin-off star will be dropped after the first season and go on to win an Oscar?

Walt Disney World. I'm dead serious, get me started on classic EPCOT (yes, capitalized), River Country and Pleasure Island and I'll go on tirades about how it was better in the '80s and '90s.

Oh I know. The man is exactly the socialist the GOP claims Obama has been. They would have no trouble ripping into him on so much but somehow liberal writers cling to idea of "Bernie could have won."

I was never sold on Sanders, his economic plan a mess and this new line that "if it had been him, Dems win in a landslide" just doesn't sit right.

You may have a point. After all, it's the "rational Republicans" who spout (as absolute utter fact) that Obama was a radical socialist who spread racial division and ground our economy down while doing nothing to keep us safe.

I make it a point to try and never agree with Bill Maher on anything. But he nailed it in his final "rules" bit on Friday: "Liberals, stop trying to win over Trump voters with facts." The reaction at that rally just proves Maher, for once, correct.

Did love how he's literally the last one to know his wife had been cheating on him and that blistering angry speech at her grave was just perfect.

Loved he and Shadow talking on best ways to con into a first-class seat and bonding instantly.

Again, I cannot believe a show this excellent is on ABC.

So with my parents, we braved the cold and pouring rain on Saturday to Navy Pier to see a stage version of Shakespeare In Love. Actually works out pretty well on the stage (regular play, not musical), excellent cast, some nice additions so worth checking out if you're in the Chicago area.

Again amazing how the whole season was filmed last fall so stuff like "I saw your last election" they had no idea would be so timely.

I can already tell this is a show with a Blu-Ray packed with extras to deepen it.

All I know is I'm going to die at the episode where Gillian Anderson meets Kristen Chenoweth.

Automatic response if you were to post that on Facebook: "No, Obama is out of office, now we have a REAL President."

I hate to agree with Bill Maher on ANYTHING but he nailed it in his "rules" bit on his latest show with a great rant on "liberals, stop trying to talk facts to Trump supporters."