Michael Weyer

Harrington must have binged on Highlander episodes to get the right "back from the dead" gasp down.

Harrington must have binged on Highlander episodes to get it right.

"Do the rational thing."

Hodor. Little Hodor.

See, I want to imagine Jon coming in to take holy vengence on his betrayers. But knowing him, he'll just say "ah, it's all good, let's focus on the Walkers now."

And to no shock, all right-wing media places are talking about is Wilmore's "you did good my n——er" line as "PROOF THEY'RE INSTIGATING RACISM!"

I feel so sorry for young folks today who weren't around in 1980 when Raiders of the Lost Ark opened and got to enjoy the entire theater exploding in laughter when Indy shoots the swordsman.
Also Return of the Jedi when Vader tosses Palpatine down the shaft, the place going nuts.
Finally: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,

Have to go with Star Wars and Indy. Also throw in the first Pirates of the Carribean, really was a joy to see Depp's performance the first time in a packed house that went from "What is this?" to loving it so much.

That one and Fuller's other gem, Pushing Daisies, are probably better off having those short, glorious runs rather than weakened by bad seasons later.

Oh, I agree, any other network would have dumped Development fast, Fox gave it a real chance, not their fault audiences couldn't recognize genius.

I always cut them slack on axing Profit as that show was so ahead of its time, no network would have known what to do with it.

I always loved how season 3 of House of Cards showed a reality check for Frank as one thing to cheat your way into the job but another to BE President as doing whatever you want doesn't go over well with the public or your own party.
But do love when he schools his arrogant, egotistcal challenger when the guy boasts

Sort of important note left off: Technically, Fitz was never elected President as Olivia, Millie, Cyrus and Holils Doyle rigged voting machines in one state to give him the win. Sure, he won the second time around but he knows he should never have gotten in in the first place.

I'm reminded of a funny bit in Fox Trot where Jason tries in vain to beat a monster in his game, killed no matter what and takes a break. When he comes back, he finds out Paige has gotten through the level by doing the one thing Jason never considered: Walking right by the guy.

You know, we all rail and rant on Fox axing stuff early and all…

Man, really liked this one, amazing concept and while it may have gotten crazy, just loved how Purcell played the role. If you know him only by Break or the CW stuff, check him out here, damn funny and really moving too. Yet another heartbreaker to end.

I always kind of preferred the first series, just for the joy of seeing Edmund going around, convinced he's a briliant Iago-style schemer who's manipulating everyone when he's a flat-out idiot.

Yeah but that's way too light a sentence on a cast that deserved a lot more mention.

Well to be fair, Regina and Zelena have plenty of blood on thier hands and now trying to be better, guess trying to say undoing that legacy of hate balanced the scales a bit for Cora.

No, no, go ahead and binge, there's a reason it's won two Emmys for Marguiles and others. Even when the stories are rough, some of the best acting on prime time going on here.