Michael Weyer

Damn, just when you get tired of OUAT writers retconning stuff, they pull off one that works. Kudos to the casting of the young Regina and Zelena, loved how they were playing around, unknowingly acting out their rivalry years later, clever there.

FAR too little mention of one of the best guest star casts you can imagine:

Hit a rough patch early in season 4 but rebounded, season 5 was just so damn amazing, hard to top it afterward. But even this last year has shown flashes of the power and Marguiles killing it in episodes so well worth binging.

But more importantly, we got a look at what appeared to be the series finale of Darkness at Noon, going out as insane as we all could have hoped for.

Have to love Brienne offering herself to Sansa with the tone of "seriously, I've been scouring this country for over a year, I've been sitting in the snow for weeks, just accept my damn loyalty already!"

Made this point in the newbie thread but feel good to point out the real power of the Meslisandre reveal: We now know she has been doing this for a LONG time, has seen countless kings rise and fall yet suddenly now her faith is being shaken. If this ancient woman is feeling something big is coming to change things,

I simply cannot wait to see once more Dan believing he's this suave fixer operator (a male Olivia Pope if you will) when everyone knows he's a disaster.

You'd think we'd be tired of it but no, we're not: Selina thinking she's Frank Underwood in her scheming and control when she has no idea what the hell is going on around her and totally out of her depth and it never ceases to make you laugh.

I think we're all missing a key thing with the Melisandre reveal: She's been doing this for a very, very, very, very LONG time. She's pulled this shit so many times before and yet now she's having her faith shaken, that should be a warning sign. If this ancient woman is feeling the winds of change after so long, it

I loved how she was asking for the oath in the tone of "I've been waiting in the goddamn snow for weeks, can you just accept this already?!"

….You're really forgetting what show this is, aren't you? We sympathize with the guy who shoved a kid out the window to cover up his affair with his sister.

I LOVED the way Brienne offered herself to Sansa: "Seriously, I've been waiting in the snow for weeks after spending months walking across this fucking country, can you just accept my damn loyalty already?!"

Coming this fall: Faster Sand Snakes, Kill Kill!

Now that we know just how damn ancient Melisandre is, it makes so much of her "small war" talk make much more sense, she's seen countless kings rise and fall, she's playing the long game.

"Give the rack…oh, dear…."

Amongst our pleasures are such diverse elements as seeing a naked woman, killing a khal, breaking in a new horse and wearing these great furs and tattoos, damn!

Given how this year is breaking so much from the books, do we still need as much "Newbies" stuff?

Only one choice of an actress who can dominate this show.

I don't know, I like the idea it IS his real name and he uses it figuring that it's so common, folks will assume it's an alias.

Loved Margot's pitch-perfect American accent, Ben going "we don't talk like that here" and she replies "Yes you do." Revenge on all the atrocious British accents we've seen American actors use.