
I am glad to see they were demoted...

Whose kids watch TV anymore? My 9 year old doesn’t even know how to use the remote. They’re on Youtube watching losers like Mucas and Pukas or Chad Wildcay and Project Zorgo.

Don’t forget Schenn...and since Flyers West is already a thing from Richards and Carter et al. winning as the Kings we can now dub this Flyers Midwest Jr. Hell Wayne Train’ll probably hoist the cup next year...

Ehh he may have though it went out..plus when he’s tracking over that far the centerfielder should be tracking over that way too...


Croakies=Head Jorts

“Y’all respect the one who got shot, I respect the shooter”

Even if he got hot he’s not a rental if he has 3+ years left on a terribly overpriced contract.

Chris Davis, the only guy who can make Mark Reynolds look like a contact hitter...

Bocce, horseshoes, kanjam, badminton, croquet. Honorable mention: cornhole

Bocce, horseshoes, kanjam, badminton, croquet. Honorable mention: cornhole

Phillies gonna go for both. 

Up to 43,000 jobs”, which includes anywhere from 0 to 43,000.

Oh what days are these when passing roughians can yell “wife beater” at pro athlete....wife beaters.

Judge doesn’t see the irony that punk stood against everything he was and is. You are the lazy and self satisfied ruling class.

You’re fuckin’ with me right now right and you really did this....

If you grew up in the Philly area this sums up everything including sports...

Both sides should be honest about his half life and agree to a 2-3 year deal with more money per year than he would have been asking for a 5-6 year deal. I get that plays with their salary cap but...

If he pushes this too far could the Steelers inactivate him to keep him from getting the 10 games in to qualify as having played a year?

26 is like 65 in running back years...