So when you say that I assume you vote or Sanders in the primary? Because he was really our only shot at taking care of the vulnerable.
So when you say that I assume you vote or Sanders in the primary? Because he was really our only shot at taking care of the vulnerable.
And we would have survived 8 years of Clinton acting even more neo-liberal than Obama. We would have been worse off, but thats nothing new.
You mean Trump might start a war with Russia (already happening)? Use police to brutalize segments of the population (already happening)? Pimp for big oil/fracking (already happening)? Nominate a conservative SC Justice (already happening)? Take millions from wall street already happening)? Lie to the American public…
Oh for fucks sake stop being so dramatic. Trump will be no worse than Clinton. In fact, he MIGHT be better since he wasnt threatening to go to war with Russia as soon as hes in office.
I feel the same way about Clinton. She could murder a child on national TV and get away with it.
Or perhaps they should ALL be in jail?
Funny, I feel EXACTLY the same way about Clinton.
Oh its gonna be BAD.
“If this were true, why is Clinton’s lead smaller than Obama’s in 2008 and 2012?”
Breaking news: A Republican controlled Senate will shut her down no matter what. But then thats what happens when you have someone like Clinton as President.
And the country, and the world, will be the worse for it.
Thats because shes a terrible candidate. This is what happens when the DNC colludes with the media and with candidates to swing the nomination. But hey, you got what you asked for...
It will be really interesting to see if you are correct. Not that it matters either way.
Depends on if you think war is a good or bad thing. And Ill leave it to you to understand which candidate is a war hawk and which is not.
Thats NOT cool. The Electoral College is bullshit.
This is, of course, assuming the polls are correct. But then it doesnt matter, the Electoral College has little to do with the popular vote.
That would be one of the most unlikable candidates EVER running against him. Shoulda gone Bernie...
That, is the truth. But I feel like its a bit more sinister on the left.. everyone is behaving themselves, which gives cover to Clinton’s agenda. And that scares me deeply.
Paper ballots. Fuck these hackable, complex machines. Its done around the world, why cant we do it?