Michael Turner

I"m not going to explain to you the many reasons why people read reviews, but I didn't read this one…just part of the first paragraph and last.

Have someone smarter than you explain it to you. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone who qualifies.

wow your brain doesn't work too well. Why do you think I would disagree that many men don't like Entourage? I"m sure the majority of men don't watch it, but it is show designed for men not women.

I'm serious. I don't need a guy reviewing Sex and the City or the latest romcom because I know it isn't made for me, and no way I will like it.

AA Dowd is probably a chick and of course she isn't the audience for this movie. That is like a man reviewing Sex and the City film which is pointless too.

Yes I know you have to dumb down things for the dumb or get a lot of flak…the internet democratized public comment a great deal and even people with 85 IQs have an equal voice.

Really? I thought she represented 100% of all prostitutes. Thanks for clarifying that for us.

You apparently have some kind of fetish about me, but we are talking about larger issues here…please stay on topic.

Go respect some more opinions of racists and pedophiles…because you are so open minded and cool. And stop obsessing over me…it is disturbing.

That's great that you "respect all opinions" but we differ there. I don't respect all opinions…some of them like "I hate black people and they are less intelligent than whites"..I don't respect that at all. That is offensive to me. So great you respect that and all other opinions but just not me. I respect those

Yes "many" are desperate..just like women who work at McDonalds because they are desperate (making 1/10th the money. And yes "many" are exploited…..just like in many other industries. Yes it's bad that many are exploited but many are not.

No if all the individuals on the planet had equal rights, then everyone would have them. Do you really think that exactly half the people do have them and half don't? You live in fantasyland, not on the real earth.

Great response…can tell you are lost….hearing those voices in your head again and responding to those and not what is written. If you can sleep better at night believing I'm a victim of everybody, then go for it. I don't know why you are a fetish about me to begin with when I'm not even talking about myself…rather

Sad that you can only read what you want to read and not what is really there on the page.

anyone who throws out non sequiturs deserves to have their lack of intelligence pointed out.

Oh well my main comment above has already been removed so the rest of them probably will too. It's dangerous to put the truth out there and it makes people uncomfortable. Also not part of the PC agenda that many are in favor of, so any dissent must be censored and deleted.

I didn't edit it…I added to it. And yes it speaks for itself.

Not a "positive" spin…I'm just stating the truth. And yes I have encountered quite a few hookers in my day and know more than what a one-side documentary shows me. And this one is not even about hookers, per se. Although both are women getting paid to have sex so really about the same thing.

Nice straw man..are you hearing voices in you head again? You may want to take your meds.

Yes of course… if they are getting paid, it's not "amateur".