Michael Turner

I hope DD and company are in Infinity War.

Renner is a good actor, but he's a boring Hawkeye. Maybe it's not totally his fault, because of what he's been given to do but he's just not right for that role.

Seems like a bit of overkill as anyone who watched the trailers sees that it infringes on their copyright. But I guess Paramount has an army of attorneys on their payroll, so might as well put them to work.

What a job from Hell to have to watch SNL every week and write a thesis about it. The show is unwatchable. You have my sincere pity.

I walked out of Harry and the Hendersons long long ago. I have no idea why I even went to see it as a young adult..weird.

Ok good point because Crash and Million Dollar Baby are horrible films. But Birdman was one of the better Best Picture winners and didn't seem gimmicky. There's nothing inherently bad about a long single shot take…it's all about the content…acting, dialogue, cinematography, etc. The writer of this article sounds

Yes that crappy gimmicky Birdman movie that won Best Picture and that most everyone likes. ..and that hack Hitchcock with Rope…what a joke. It's all such a gimmick and why try something different?

She is a hack.

I think it has something to do with getting ratings and $$$.

"He also discussed what we’re now legally obligated to distinguish as the potential all-male Ghostbusters reboot, which last made serious news when Chris Pratt derided his own rumored involvement in the project as “bullshit.”"

So you say it's "exploitive", but because others are doing the exploiting, you decide to go ahead and do it as well. Great logic.

He is old now. I used to live for music and now in early 50s and I rarely listen to it and drive around without it most of the time….your brain just changes as you age.

I've never once read an interview with an actor where they say they don't watch current movies.

no not humor or sarcasm. I really don't know what a swirlie is. I could google it, but not even sure of the context.

What is a swirlie…you live in a different world than me and a goofy one, by the way it sounds.

Yes the ones with all the money…. while you work your pathetic wage slave job for peanuts.

I love her.

Doesn't sound like you are able to comprehend much creativity…no shame in that but many other people do not find it that unbelievable of an idea.

Don't feel bad about being smarter than your mom and your dopey friends.

This was clearly somewhat reckless but also really bad luck on her part as most lions would not do that in that situation. But four feet away is pretty close. Oh well life is dangerous and lots of ways to end it for yourself.