Michael Turner

Most hookers don't want day jobs. They would rather work 2 or 3 hrs a day and make 5x as much as they would at a regular day job. A lot of them enjoy sex or at least prefer that kind of work much more than being in an office or similar.

I'm not here to be interviewed by you. I don't remember a question, but if I didn't answer it, I decided it wasn't worth answering.

I'm just speaking the truth and what is logically correct. I don't know what their talking points are and never heard one of the members of that organization speak, etc. Anyway, 99% of humanity is evil by torturing and eating animals, so no surprise that another huge % is for discrimination against people based on

and that comment its "logic" shows everyone that your IQ is most likely sub 90.

Nice non sequitur….you are hopeless. Sad but true. Good luck.

I'm not a member of MRA and don't know much about it. I know it's socially acceptable right now though to find it absurd that half the people on the planet should have equal rights, but doesn't change the fact that some of us think that everyone should equal rights, not just your favorite minority or gender.

Of course a few of them can be victims. That is true of every industry…people are mistreated everywhere….in factories, at McDonalds, at your local supermarket, in agriculture, etc, etc, etc. I was obviously speaking generally. I know your brain can only see white and black…0% or 100% but sorry the world isn't that

Sorry that I'm not focusing on your SJW agenda but everything I said is true. And I didn't characterize "all" men or women as anything. Your simpleton mind reads that because it's all it can handle.

Not a joke at all…what is a joke is how this concept seems so confusing to most people and how they have it totally backwards.

So I'm a "prick" because I don't agree with you. I was being totally serious and you are wrong and I'm right and that's why you are irritated by my comment.

it's the misandrists who are truly on the rise….because it is totally socially acceptable and encouraged at the moment.

How sexist to point out any factual data that is not pro woman !!

Good list and you hit some of the best examples. Marc Webb could be another one with doing 500 Days of Summer and then selling out for Spider-Man movies. I feel bad for him though…was the right decision to make but then the Spidey movies were sh*t and I'm sure Sony manhandled him. I hope he gets back to some indie

yes i will never pay to see something that uberhack wrote.

ScarJo is a crappy Widow anyway. Emily Blunt would have kicked ass but literally and figuratively.


It's not complicated. They can only make so many Marvel films…2 a year is their max right now and there are other better choices than BW, both artistically and in terms of maximizing profit$.

It is the fault of evil men who have ruined the world that this movie does not exist. If all the men died, women would run a perfect peaceful society with the best movies ever…just like this one.

don't quit your day job.

yes but from what I understand it is distributed evenly and avg IQ in the USA is 100 and I was thinking more about that with half being above 100 and half being below. But probably some truth to your point.