Michael Turner

what is "media for adults"? you really are all over the place…may want to take your meds

It's incredible to me how many gullible people out there who believe there will be "no jokes" in all the DC movies..not even one.

Breaking Bad is great for the first season or two and then very uneven..last season is excellent though.

Don't quit your day job

Ok that's too bad. I guess that's why he's still allowed on these junkets.

not sure why they (the studio publicists) still let this douche interview their clients. The guy can't have that big of an audience. Maybe this will be the final straw, but doubtful.

Not true..most major characters have some kind of romantic subplot at some point, but not most comic book characters overall. And even if 80% are shown in a relationship, that still leaves a whole lot that proves my original point.

I wasn't referring to his character, but yes of course if someone is showing with relationship with opposite sex, then one would assume they are most likely heterosexual.

wanting to bang a beautiful, hot redhead with D cups…go figure.

any straight guy would be in love with Jean…she's a total piece of ass, especially as bad girl Dark Phoenix.

Why does everyone assume that comic book characters are heterosexual unless they are explicitly gay? Maybe a lot of Marvel and DC characters are gay? Unless you see them in some kind of romantic or sexual relationship with opposite sex, then you don't know either way.

Poor Conan is running on fumes at this point. Everyone is chasing Fallon who mainly appeals to dumb kids.

You are using your own "special" definitions of "racism" and "sexism". You can call a chair a "table" and of course we'll disagree on what a chair is.

yes and genius because we all remember it well.

you are reading comprehension challenged

it's not either a conservative or a liberal position….ok I get it..you are just trolling and I am feeding you. My mistake and troll on..

sorry but you are totally wrong. most would classify me as ultra "liberal' if you want to use that simple scale.

wow…what a twisted analogy. Your math is so way off that it's laughable.

sorry to disappoint you that you can't easily classify me as some Rush Limbaugh/Fox News loving "conservative". I know it makes your brain hurt a little, but that's ok. Everything is not as you would prefer it to be.

Not rare at all. But keep telling yourself to justify your actions and biases and hatred.