
I worked at a Subway. The smell is the combination of bread proofing and baking at the same time. When that much bread proofs at once, it’s overwhelming. The actual baked bread part of the equation smelled really nice. But yeah, the proofing smells overly yeasty and gave everything a funky tang.

I worked at a Subway during college and many of these points are pretty much flat wrong.

Just took the plunge and ordered one. Can't wait!

Just took the plunge and ordered one. Can't wait!

How big is your library? Mine is about 8,000 photos and hundreds of videos. It’s taking up 70GB of iCloud space and counting (it’s actually still not done uploading my local OS X library).

The issue I’m running into is space on my mobile devices. My wife has a 16GB iPhone and I have a 64GB iPhone. When I turn on iCloud syncing, it takes up 18GB of space on our mobile devices. She can’t do anything with her phone because she has zero space left. And I’ve checked the “optimize phone storage” option on

So, basically, this article is saying, "fuck St. Louis. Fuck everyone in St. Louis. Fuck everyone who has ever lived in St. Louis. Fuck everything associated with St. Louis. If you drive through St. Louis and break your look of disdain before leaving the city limits, FUCK YOU. Sincerely, the rest of the world,

A shorthand version of the suggestions listed above: Try moving.

Will Amiibos fit in a tea light candle holder? That would be kind of amazing.

During the last Steam sale, I had to update my credit card info, but I kept forgetting. So every time I got a notification on my phone that a Steam game was for sale, I would add it to my cart but I couldn't buy. They stayed in my cart until the sale expired, then I was like "eh, nevermind."

I've done a fair amount of writing freelance over the years and I've found that asking questions is key. That initial phone call can be intimidating because I'm trying to exude professionalism and a general aura of knowing the slightest bit about anything.

I'm a parent and have been "between churches" since high school. And I'm fine with raising my kids without church. But I am slightly concerned about not exposing them to the idea of religion in some way.

One thing I use my PC for is a media PLEX server for the whole house. That means my PC is on all the time. Ideally, I would have my NAS also be my media server, but not many NAS enclosures have the CPU horsepower to do the video encoding PLEX requires. But if I build a PC to be my PLEX server, then I've traded one

It's more than his voice... he's improvising AS Peter, which is amazing to me. The guy knows the character so well he can BE that character in the moment. He's quick on his feet and genuinely funny. That's real talent and he should be doing this for a living. Life's too short to be a "nobody in a boring job."

I had a version of that Zalman fan and had to switch because of noise. The version I had was a three-pin connector instead of four. That means it had no speed control and defaulted to "full blast" whenever the computer turned on.

People seek validation of existing viewpoints through feedback. If you already think you're awesome and don't want to change, you'll focus on the lone comment that agrees with that view.

I voted democrat in southern Missouri yesterday. So, you know, I basically casted by ballot into the wind. But hey, someone has to try and keep this shit purple.

I upgraded from 4 to 8 on mine and did notice a difference. I also upgraded to an SSD, which made a HUGE difference in boot time and overall snappiness.

I own that 2010 Macbook pro... good to hear it's still got some legs! I'd be lying though if I wasn't looking for a reason to upgrade. How does something go from feeling like the future to feeling like a 10-ton toaster in just 4 years??

I'm a Plex Pass member and I say it's worth it. I especially love the ability to sync videos to any device. I also use their cloud storage streaming option for kids shows when we're traveling with the kids (my upload speeds at home are terrible for streaming). I've used XBMC in the past and switched because I find

I've been looking into a NAS for our home and Plex is a big part of the equation. Right now, we have our TVs and devices streaming from my PC, which is running the Plex server. It works great, but I have to keep my PC on all the time. I'd like to offload the server to a NAS, but very few models do encoding. And the