
I have a question for everyone... I'm trying to set up an easy HTPC at home. My wife hates using a keyboard/mouse. Is there any solution out there that uses a universal remote with Windows? Or, is Kinect for Windows a realistic option? I'm scratching my head trying to make it easy as possible to access things like

I do this with my Wii U as well. Plex is a magical gift of the gods.

Agreed. I'm trying to scale back those little throwaway purchases as well. I put everything on a credit card and pay off the balance every month. It's amazing how high that bill gets by the end of the month and I don't even realize it.

I'll throw out an honorable mention alternative to Device 6. Get Sorcery! from Steve Jackson games. It's basically a choose your own adventure book set in a fantasy setting with pretty graphics. LOTS of reading though.

Wow, fat has a higher energy density than coal? Does that mean I can power my car with my ass? Because sign me up.

ID: Fiendish Muffin (or try fiendishmuffin)

When I was taking marketing classes in college, we were told that McDonald's spent millions of dollars researching the best locations for their restaurants (proximity to highway, daily traffic, land prices, population density, etc.). Burger King's strategy? Build a restaurant wherever there's a McDonalds.

Wow. Thank you for this! I am officially living in the future.

It's not as mobile as others, but I'm really enjoying the Sony RDP-XF300IPN (catchy name, right?). It also has a lightning connector dock and FM radio. I think it sounds great and like the versatility of it also being a radio. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a bluetooth speaker with an FM tuner these days.

I'll keep my scotch, thanks.

These are all really great tips! I will definitely do some of these... for about a week. Then I will probably get too lazy and continue coasting by on a combination of Meat Helper™ and frozen pizza.

Play Monopoly. Seriously. Nothing teaches money management better than realizing you just spent all your start money on the first pass around the board and now you have no money to pay the luxury tax.

I highly recommend XCOM. We've got a 2 year old that keeps me from playing games in general. When I get a precious few hours to play something, my tolerance for boring, crappy games is non-existent (I even stopped playing Assassin's Creed III because it got too drawn out). XCOM though... it has sucked me in hard. I

I still live by online reviews, but when I find a product that is very highly rated, I will hone in on the lone 1-2 star reviews. More often than not, I find them very insightful.

We had this exact issue trying to sell our condo. Not only did we have a pain in the arse association that blocked a buyer because they had more than one dog, we also had the fresh hell of living in a historical district.

I was about to ask the same thing! I've never worked at a job that started at 9am. The place I work now allows a full hour for lunch, so it still works out to 8 hours... but I've worked at places that only allow a half-hour lunch (closely monitored).

I'm almost always asked for a phone number or email address when I check out. I hate it. And when I ask "what do you need that for?" more often than not, I get a confused look of annoyance. Dude, I'm sorry I'm holding up the line, but go eff yourself if you think I'm giving you my email address to buy a bag of

I've bought too many junk games on an impulse, Steam-Sale whim. I'd love to recoup some of that cost (and just get them out of my library).

I'm a huge Steam fan and even I think digital distribution is problematic. Sure, you get pretty good game deals now and again, but you're stuck with them forever after you buy them. I've got way too many old games in my library I can't even GIVE them away to people. It's like they're radioactive or something – I use

The biggest problem with digital distribution is resell. I want the right to resell my digital content to others for a price that I specify. I have a TON of steam games, but after a while, I want to get rid of them. I really don't want to keep playing Homefront anymore (it's terrible), but I can't even GIVE that game