
When I was a kid, I loved the 80's TMNT. I had the Nintendo games, the Technodrome playset, the Pizza Hut cassette tape with Turtle rock songs... the whole works.

Why not? The upgrade costs to get the latest smartphone will be the same regardless of how long I wait. The only difference is I can sell back my existing phone for more money because it's newer. Just makes more economic sense.

For Windows phone, I would say it's the cross platform potential with Windows 8. I think that will really open up the app possibilities in the future. For Android, it's not really so much the software as it is the hardware versatility (I will admit that the new Galaxy Note II has me intrigued).

I don't have remorse over getting my iPhone 5. It's a solid smartphone and I've been in the app ecosystem for years. That said, it might be my last iPhone. Android and Windows phone are starting to offer me real, compelling reasons to switch. Combined with the fact that Apple kind of phoned it in with iOS 6... I'll be

Tim Cook's "double down on secrecy" comment aside, I believe these leaks are the new normal. Us techo-geeks like to think that Apple's lost their surprise magic, but honestly, most people had no idea what it was going to look like. Jimmy Kimmel proved that.

I agree with you to an extent, but I can EASILY see someone leaving their iPad behind if, for instance, they're late for their flight. Also keep in mind that air port security can get crazy during busy flying times. You got your shoes in one bin, your liquids in another, laptop in another. Oh, and your flight leaves

They most definitely could. The question is, will they? I think it will come down to whether they think enough people will stop using Apple maps if Google maps were available. The fewer people using Apple maps, the less data Apple has to improve it.

voice and data plans are not "paying for the phone". You're paying for a service attached to the phone. You don't add the cost of gas to the value of a car, either.

I think the more disturbing issue is how everything is moving to the cloud. It really bothers me that my music, movies, software and, now, OS are tethered to an unreliable delivery system.

I have a suspicion that Microsoft will reveal new console hardware next year. That console will forgo discs for download only games and Kinect will be built-in. But the big twist? Windows 8 computers will have access to the same exact games and content through "Xbox games" on Windows. I'll even bet future Win 8 towers

That form factor seems more in line with today's "all-in-one" machines. I wonder if there's a market for "portable all-in-one" computers, with attached keyboards and 13" to 17" screen options.

I can't imagine they're supposed to be sat upon. I'm guessing they're more like a pocketbook... designed for hipsters that walk around in blazers or BDU jackets all the time.

word. I'm married now for six years to someone I met on Match. Maybe we're the accidental exceptions.

Seriously, it was 1994...

@MifuneT: I just want to tell Robert good luck, we're all counting on him.

@magus-21: Would it be possible for Amazon and other publishers to offer a link to buy content from the web as well as in-app?

@not.yet: they're not trying too terribly hard to offload. The price of the drive has gone up from $89 to $99. And the coupon is good for only $10 off, not $20.

@Celtic1888: In my experience people like that don't even want to know how to use the computer.