
@Tyrunn: It's true. I personally think they left Q out entirely because people aren't wowed by spy gadgets these days. It's more exciting to see Bond take basic items and use them in clever ways. Sort of like MacGyver.

What about recycling broken electronics? I've been holding onto a broken Wii and Macbook battery for over a year now because I feel too guilty throwing their toxic components away. Are there any sites or stores that accept these types of items?

If I was Verizon, I would offer to pay the ETF fee of AT&T switchers. It would make the transition painless and make for some pretty genius advertising on Verizon's part.

@Cabs21: NO, wait... yes, Satan is evil. But I'm pretty sure he works at Verizon.

@HandsomeHorse: That's exactly what I was thinking when I looked at this. In fact, Onlive should brand their own version of this hardware. That way players always have LCD keyboard support for their games right out of the box.

How does Tegra 2 compare to the new AMD Fusion "APU"?

one word: plastics.

@zelaskjd: I agree. The ads don't bug me that much. What does bug me though is that I can't get certain show on Hulu Plus that are available on free Hulu. Like, Walking Dead? Ghost Hunters? The Simpsons?? These shows are mysteriously not available on hulu plus. Why is that? Lame.

-clears throat-