Juice Goose

he’s still crushing all of his competitors in the Republican presidential primary.”

I wonder if some of the states would chose to not allow him on the ballot citing the 14th amendment as the reason?

I would just love to see what happened if he got the nomination. You know how newspapers pre-write obits for old celebrities so they can just get them out ASAP? I bet someone’s got a draft of “Vivek Ramaswamy Is a Left-Wing Plant” ready to go. Do they vote for the scary brown person, or the old white dude who happens

Holy shit that is insane. I’m not going to deny that I have ever mansplained - any dude with a lick of honesty and introspection would be absurd to deny they ever have - but I would hope to think I’ve never done anything even close to this. He might as as well have called her “sweetheart” and told her to go back to

As soon as he starts polling above 20% (if that ever happens) look for the right-wing driven hit pieces linking him to Sharia Law and illegal immigration.

Took a patented Sarah Sanders play right out of the playbook with that bullshit. Remember her sighs and eye rolls as she explained away yet another Trump twittershits in the middle of the night like she was a knowitall condescending teacher talking to a student?

I liked that CNN opinion piece because yeah, okay, you realize it’s a bad look for your party, but a) thanks for encouraging that for decades, and b) good fucking luck changing it now!

Speaking of delusional losers. This idiot thinks Republicans who are terrified of the great replacement theory will vote for him. The only response to this guy is to outright laugh in his face. But the media are committed to the farce because he ticks their Brown Elon Musk reactionary box or whatever. 

CNN let some conservative wanker run an opinion piece decrying how fellow conservatives refusing to support Ramaswamy because he is a Hindu are betraying their own values. I guess that would be true if the GOP hadn’t pivoted to courting voters by promising a white Christian ethnostate? They haven’t been subtle about

The man is clearly a dick,”

Sounds about white.

I have no id(white)ea.

She has the glassy eyed stare of a Newsmax or OAN viewer.

To be fair, lots of people probably do Part A. It’s where Part B is listed as some kind of normal consequence that I get lost.

I think Fox might be a bit too fair and balanced for her. I’d bet on NewsMax or OANN.

Came here to say about the same thing. Isn’t it nice how these people always look exactly like you know they will?

How much you want to bet that the "news" she watches is Fox?

Convicted twice in a year and still making threats from the comfort of her home? How’s that work?

Love how all white supremacists look like they are missing a few chromosomes themselves. 

The judge said Shry had been criminally charged four times in the past year for “similar conduct” and was convicted twice.