OMG when will ABC cancel this show!!?
OMG when will ABC cancel this show!!?
Sadly, YES!!! I noticed that when I watched it as a kid.
Suuuuuper pisssed I can’t watch the video in the country where I reside :( ….
I’d like to believe that Love is the only color and that is the only way we can strengthen ourselves and our humanity as a whole. I say this as a proud black man.
Nope they’re also blocked where I live here in the Netherlands. I was wondering why. But what’s GDPR?
I really.really.really.hate hummus. The grossest shit that anyone could have ever conceived of.
I swear this has been an argument/discussion I’ve had with wypipo since I’ve been able too talk!!! For some reason a lot of them feel like it’s just wrong, wrong, wrong that we’re allowed too call each other Nigga’s but they can’t call us that! I always tell them it’s because we’ve earned the right to call each other…
I get what you’re saying and all but i think Obama has intentionally laid low from running the risk of having his brand become toxic i.e Clinton. He’s probably well aware how fast the liberal base can turn on you so he’s just ok with poking his head out for special occasions then retreating back into the safety of…
My son’s name is Aydan :( . But we choose it because it means Little fire.
Ok Aaron, show us on the “Marias” where the bad hombree’s touched you.
Ahhh I see that the bridge that Ghouliani’s was hiding under must have collapsed and now he’s back out amongst the populace breeding terror and once again attempting to feed off the flesh of small children and animals!!
I hear Yanny...
Love is the only color.
Black artist here married too a white woman. When I ask my spouse about what she thinks about any of my creative work; In my mind I´m just asking another human being their opinion regarding the emotional impact and or the quality of my work. The idea that her or even my race influencing her opinion regarding my work …
As much as I love BSG..I had too google who Nicki Clyne is. And it is very eerie how much those two look alike, Allison and Nicki i mean.
HEY!!! I did an AirBnB when I went over too England and had a wonderful experience......But that was England...........
Someday, I’m sure it’s bound to happen, kellyanne Conway’s mouth will be so confused as too which side too talk out of that her lips will just up and jump off her face.
THANKS!!! Now that´s in my head for the rest of the day !!
^This right here!!! I’m so tired of cons and (R)‘s given free range too voice whatever mindless drivel they want and parrot it around and no one’s allowed to call them out on their bullshit. But low and behold when someone punches back at them then it’s “MY PEARLS AND SENSIBILITIES ARE OFFENDED”!!! It’s even worse…