Juice Goose

((Old man voice)) Back in my day we had a name for this shit...It was called crack cocaine!! 

Dit is echt slecht :(

Well now, there went all my coffee all over my computer due to fit’s of laughter.

Da fuq asked you to reply? ...I just made a comment !!!

LOl Am I the only person who has never watched this? Oh FWIW..I’ve never watched a single episode of game of Thrones or The walking dead either.

((SIGH)) Really would like too know why i can’t post GIF’s or photo’s anymore!!!!

LOL damn..You snuck that in there ;)

These folks will never stop unfortunately. If anything, expect it to only get worse!!! If (GOD FORBID!!!) another mass shooting in America happens I bet my watch and warrant right as the event’s are unfolding across your television screen’s that there will be people already spreading as much  misinformation about the

Sooooooooo ripe for Pizza boy jokes.....I’ll see my way out.

Well she kind of did. The old part of her died and from that a new person was born. I know, I know it sounds sappy but sometimes sappy can be nice. :).

Hey there’s this show called FOX news, I mean it TRYS to pass itself as news, butanyway have you heard about it!? I bet you can find a lot of like minded folks such as yourself over there :D

Why not both ?

Uhhhmmm....If the U.S. Government really wanted too “Take yur gunzs” away......They could with no problem......Wut, you think your low grade 250$ Ar-15 is going too stop a billion dollar war machine? LMFAO.... Now just repeat after me “Being an ammosexual is not a lifestyle choice it’s just who you were born as”. And

This is all obviously fake collusion with paid Mexican actor’s leaving America that’s all being orchestrated by the Deep State.

Not to be even more morbid about all of this. But has anyone even considered  the potential problem of what would happen if a teacher with a fire arm (Well trained mind you as deemed by the NRA!!) Would one day just snap and go off during school? Now you have a crazy teacher in school with (Possibly) more fire arm’s


Um..Ok.So why don’t you run for office?

You make a lot of fine point’s and I hope you’re right about a lot of ‘em.

Welp.....Until that (special) someone comes along then you’re stuck with what you have.