Soooooo.....The new black face.....?
Soooooo.....The new black face.....?
By the looks of those two mom’s it looks like that was most exercise either one of them have had in a long time.
69.........It can be very interesting (And fun) but about after 10 minutes you start feeling like the other person is trying to smoother you to death with their genitals !!!
As a member of the male homo species I found all of this quite informative and rather enjoyable to read.
LMAO .!!! You bastards :D
LMAO!!. ((sigh)) Seriously though I know the feeling :(
I once heard that you've never really hit the big time until you've been on Letterman ;) .
OMG I pissed myself from laughter while reading this .........
LMFAO!!! So much win over this :D
LOL two kids (6/7) and I've managed to avoid the dadbod :D !!!
DCOU...For me IMHO has been the best FTP game ((AND I NEVER READ A GODDAMN THING ON KOTAKU ABOUT IT!!))..That I've come across in ages..I've looked and read into LoL and for me it just looks like a hot mess.. Oh well to each his/her own.
((sigh)) I for one am just sick and tired of having white/black people trying to define my blackness for me.....When the hell can I just be me and not this type of black person or that type of black person? :(
Amazing that we still find the double slit experiment still showing up in this test.......
MMMmmmm.....Now that does sound interesting.....