Juice Goose

Well worth the full watch !!! :D I haven't had the pleasure of playing Team Fortress yet but man I sure do keep hearing a lot about it.

While I applaud this woman's ability to take charge of her sexual prowess part of me can't help but think that she may also inadvertently impend any potential future relationship by limiting her potential future's lover potential around one sexual act. Can the same be expected to say if she had a lover who did not

And introducing their first arch-nemesis......Troll King...........

Well duh we know why,

OMG yes !!! Anything this man does.

Ahhhhh I loved this guy's work !!! :D


Well I just love to hear men giving women advice on their public appearance. It's the same way I like to hear white people tell me (As a black person) on the best ways to be black. In other words please just shut the fuck up and let women be themselves. Fucking haters.

This has got too be the coolest thing I've seen in a long time.

Mmmmm.......I'm a stay at home dad, my wife is the primary bread winner. But we both wanted our two kids. So were do we fit in all of this?

Mmmnnn..Still not the worse thing I've ever seen. I might watch it just because "I love video games" !! So I can see it as more as a node to old school video gamers (I might not be surprised to see a Star fighter reference thrown in there as well). I really don't think Adam Sandler was thinking potential Oscar


I pretty much laughed my ass off from first word to the last paragraph.

No kidding !! Considering I paid 50 bucks for it when it came out and now it's been collecting dust on my back shelf for almost a year now :(

FFS!!! Now tht's a Power Rangers I could get behind !!! :D

Yeah I'm often wondering what ever happened to * 69ing a person's phone number?

That's cool.....But have you seen it on weeeeed?

This is all I want for Christmas.