Sooooooo...Pretty much all of nature?
Sooooooo...Pretty much all of nature?
Yeeeeaahhh.....Tht's why I moved too Europe. :)
"If you like this fish........."
So...Soooo..So many bad puns HERE !!!...TOOO MANY FOR MEEE..aRRRGHHH!!!! tOO MANY for me !!!! BUT SO HARD TO RESIST.....!!!!
I don't know if theirs enough "Credible" witnesses to come forward and can testify on your behalf that these actual events took place STLOPD.
When people ask me what is it I miss the most from America. I always get a mist in my eye and have to turn away, " Sweet, delicious, macaroon's ".......Is all I can bare to utter before I vomit into an eruption of tears :(
Uhh...Uhh...uhhhh...Do they deliver overseas !!?? 0O
Love it !!! :D
How's playing the Devil's Advocate working out for you ? ;)
OMG!!! This is the best fucking comment I've read :D
I'm still trying to stay stoked for this game....But I swear this guy keeps moving the goddamn goal post on a release date!!!!
I wish I could give this post 5 stars...Good for her :)
That's a really cool mouse!!!
That's a really cool mouse!!!
I will honestly have to say Logitech makes some damn reliable products. I've spilt coffee on my Logitech keyboard no telling how many times (Accidents of course!!) And the damn thing will just never die :D .
I will honestly have to say Logitech makes some damn reliable products. I've spilt coffee on my Logitech keyboard no…
thanks :)
Mmmm....I think I was with a woman around that time ;)
Help me out here.Is it pronounced (Sham-us) or Sam-us....I've always been confused by that. And if her name is Sham-us does that mean she's Irish :) ?
This is both funny as shit and sad as fuck........My internal moral compass is having a shit-fit right now .......
Nope. Still won't go back to this time sink of a game.